Press Releases

Statement Regarding Bogus Report in Today’s New York Post about National Action Network’s Finances

Sep 07, 2010

“The NY Post’s article this morning is a totally bogus report of NAN’s finances and we suspect a response to our standing up to News Corp’s partner Glenn Beck and his distortion of Dr. King’s dream. Firstly, the article is based on a 2008 audit where it was widely covered that National Action Network had financial difficulties as many civil rights and non profits do. NAN’s Board and Rev. Sharpton met, determined not to file bankruptcy, and instead opted to restore the finances of the organization and have done even far above their expectations two-years later. In the last two years, National Action Network has managed to raise over 7 million dollars witsah two major fundraisers including an event this year featuring Bill Cosby and Mariah Carey that the same New York Post wrote about by calling Rev. Sharpton and NAN the Lady Gaga of politics. In fact, News Corp the parent company of the NY Post purchased tickets to that same event.

The organization’s tax liabilities were reduced in 2009 by over 50% and will be probably reduced to zero by the end of the calendar year 2010. In fact, Rev. Sharpton himself has loaned a lot of resources to the organization to lead the way toward its present health. NAN not only has expanded chapters as the article concedes it is even opening different offices in New York as part of our expansion. For the New York Post to say that Rev. Sharpton is the face of the article is true of many civil rights organizations and its founders, but the arms, legs and feet of the organization are growing and stronger than ever which was evident when they brought over 30,000 people to Washington, DC, for the Reclaim the Dream March just over a week ago. It is interesting that the New York Post a week later would take an audit from finances two years ago to try and give the misperception that National Action Network is on the brink of anything but becoming the strongest and fastest growing civil rights organization in the country.”

Rachel Noerdlinger, Spokesperson for Rev. Al Sharpton and National Action Network