Press Releases

Statement from the Press Office of National Action Netowrk Regarding Equal Education Rally in Norwalk, CT

Jun 07, 2011

June 7, 2011 (New York, NY)—Rev. Al Sharpton will keynote the NAACP “Equal Education for All Rally” tonight as part of National Action Network’s continued national drive to encourage all young people to pursue educational excellence and for all cities and municipalities to have open access to students for quality education.

 Contrary to several reports, National Action Network, nor Rev. Sharpton, are coming to Connecticut in response to the case of Tanya McDowell because we have not investigated or looked into the matter extensively. We will receive information from the state NAACP pertaining their involvement but until we review it, Rev. Sharpton, nor any other NAN official will address this case without having full knowledge of the particulars.

 Rev. Sharpton has for the last 4-years worked on the issue of education including appearances with President Barack Obama and a 5-city tour with U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. In fact, Rev. Al Sharpton and Secretary Duncan will appear together in Los Angeles on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this Friday at Crenshaw High School, and we see Rev. Sharpton’s appearance tonight as consistent with our national drive for education and should not be confused with other issues.

Rachel Noerdlinger

Executive Vice President of Communications, National Action Network