Press Releases

Statement from Rev. Al Sharpton Regarding the Prosecutors Decision to Skip the Grand Jury in the Trayvon Martin Case

Apr 09, 2012

Monday, April 09, 2012 (New York, NY) The special Prosecutor’s decision to forego bringing the Trayvon Martin shooting death before a grand jury vindicates the position that we have taken all along—that is you do not need a grand jury to make an arrest of George Zimmerman on probable cause. It does not necessarily mean, however, that this arrest will be made immediately. Therefore, we intend to keep the pressure on as we remain cautiously optimistic that this will lead to an arrest. We will announce a collective strategy at NAN’s Convention this week in Washington as we deal with several sessions and will be joined at some point by the parents of Trayvon Martin who will meet for the first times the families of Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell as we talk about what we are going to do to correct these inequalities.