Press Releases

Speaking from York University in Toronta, Canada, Rev. Al Sharpton hears concerns from students and Canadian citizens that the birther issue has set back the image of racial progress the U.S. gained in ’08 with the election of President Obama

Apr 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011 (Toronto, Canada)—-Civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network, spoke today at York University in Toronto, Canada, and was saddened by the heartfelt concerns from many in the student body and citizens who attended his lecture who said the Birther issue and attacks on President Obama have diminished goodwill around the country. Shocked by the interrogations and media enhanced speculation about President Obama’s U.S.

Citizenship, Canadian students said they thought that we had made progress with the election of the country’s first Black President and now we are regressing in worldwide favorability because of attacks from Donald Trump and others because of the Birther issue.

President Obama spoke three weeks ago at NAN’s 20th anniversary national convention and said that the nation needs to be talking about education, joblessness, and building the economy and not be distracted by triviality.

“I am dismayed to find out the goodwill garnered by the United States with the election of the first African-American President, and the increased credibility from the world that we were beginning to live up to, including the principles of democracy and the higher standards of human rights have been damaged by the media obsession with the Birther issue and the constant promotion of Donald Trump on this matter. It is shameful that our petty domestics politics have had serious global consequences,” said Rev. Al Sharpton at his lecture.