Press Releases

Save the Date: 12th Annual NAN National Convention

Feb 13, 2010

Dear Friend:

As President of National Action Network (NAN), I am inviting you to attend our 12th National Convention this April 14th – April 17th at the Sheraton Hotel in New York City. I sincerely hope you will join us for this memorable week of history.

As you may know, National Action Network (“NAN”) is one of the leading civil rights organizations in the nation. NAN empowers people through extensive voter education, provides services to the poor, supports small community businesses development and opportunity, confronts racism and violations of civil and human rights. NAN has held community forums and conventions with local and national leaders, presidential candidates, governors, and members of both houses of Congress, and has worked on a variety of issues of national importance, including issues arising from police brutality and misconduct, voting rights, and education. Each year NAN brings together civil rights, community, business and elected leaders from across the country to attend our National Convention.

The convention will take place at the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers, located at 811 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY. Registration to attend the convention is free, but you must register in order to attend. You can register for this convention by clicking on the “Register Now” link on the home page of our web site or by calling our national office: 877-626-4651during regular business hours.

There is a special room rate at the Sheraton Hotel during the week of our National Convention: $229 per night. Please call the Sheraton at (212)581-1000 and use the code: National Action Network to make your reservations.

We are ecstatic about the many panel sessions and activities that will take place during this years convention such as: Panels on Education(Closing the Achievement Gap), Media, Health Care (Is the cost of health care killing us: a discussion of Health Care Reform), Labor & Employment ( The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act: How do we create jobs?), Relationships and Love(Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness; Challenges of the Black Family today), Criminal Justice (Controlling Gang Violence in Urban America), Women(The Phoenix Rises: Women as Leaders in Today’s World), Youth, YES- Why do we kill ourselves? How can we stop?), as well as our Annual Rev. William A. Jones Memorial Ministers luncheon, Keepers of the Dream Awards Banquet, and a Benefit Fashion Show to support the Haiti Relief Effort hosted by our Youth Social Arm, Harl3m Ink. I hope you will join civil rights, community and business leaders, as well as other NAN chapters and supporters from around the country at our convention and make it a great success. We look forward to seeing you there.

Most sincerely,

Reverend Al Sharpton