Press Releases

Rev. Al Sharpton & NAN, Along with the Family of Ramarley Graham & Leading Clergy, To Hold A Press Conference Monday In Front of Bronx D.A. Robert Johnson’s Office To Call For the NYPD Officer That Killed Unarmed Ramarley Graham To Be Indicted

Feb 10, 2012

Press conference in front of the Bronx D.A.’s office

Office of the District Attorney, Bronx County
198 East 161st Street, Bronx, New York 10451

Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 – 10:00 a.m.

Ramarley Graham died last Thursday after a New York police officer, kicked down the door of his grandmother’s apartment and shot Graham in the chest. Graham was unarmed and police did not have a warrant to enter the home. National Action Network has raised funds for the family and is helping them seek justice on behalf of Ramarley

Rachel Noerdlinger
[email protected]