Press Releases
Press Information for the 2020 Commitment March on Washington
Reverend Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III, along with Attorney Benjamin Crump and the Families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner & others to convene with National Action Network (NAN), NAACP & Others for a March on Washington in Protest of Police Brutality on August 28
Interested in covering the event? Please see our guide below and send questions to [email protected].
Press Credentials
Press credentials will be in physical form. Media is strongly encouraged to pick up their press credentials at least one day before the march due to the expected entry delays due to COVID-19 precautions.
Credential pick-up will be made by appointment for pick-up in DC. More information on contact and location will be provided soon.
Press Check-In
Check-in on the day of the march will be on Henry Bacon Drive East (map here). Prior registration is required to enter the march.
All media checking in will have their temperatures checked, as well as confirmation that they have brought PPE (masks and gloves).
Guidance on timing for check-in will be provided soon.
Media Walkthrough
There will be a media walkthrough ahead of August 28th. More information to come soon.
Press Risers
There will be a three-tiered press riser in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, spaces will be limited and on a reservation basis.
Please email [email protected] to inquire about riser positions, but note that a position will not be guaranteed.
Information for media that is unable to reserve a riser position will be provided soon. There will be a designated area for additional cameras, as well as print media.
Power & Feed Capabilities
The riser will be running a 5-camera production feed.
AUDIO: The press riser will have audio Mult boxes with the audio feed of the event.
VIDEO: The press riser will have 20 embedded audio with video signals and 20 video signals without audio available to the press.
POWER: Power and ethernet will be provided on the press riser. More information on tech specifications will be provided soon.
Pool Information
NBC will be the network pool feed for the march, with a clean feed available to member subscribers.
There will be a limited number of additional video and audio feeds available to non-networks upon request. Satellite information will be provided closer to the march date.
Other Press Areas
There will be press areas for print and online media, as well as photographers and other cameras. More information will be provided soon.
Limited parking will be made available for satellite trucks. Please email [email protected] to request a parking spot for satellite trucks, but note that you will not be guaranteed a spot.