Press Releases

National leaders and community activists issue financial empowerment call to action

Aug 12, 2010


Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network, Marc Morial, President of The National Urban League, Ben Jealous, President of The NAACP, Warren Ballentine, Leading Syndicated Radio Host and others Encourage Community to Put Their Money to Action

The Warren Ballentine Show Listeners Deposit More Than $600 Thousand Dollars

AUGUST 9, 2010−FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE−In April of this year, some of our nation’s mostpowerful African-American leaders and activists including, Rev. Al Sharpton President of The NationalAction Network, Marc Morial President of The National Urban League, Ben Jealous President of The NAACP, Warren Ballentine and several others came together to discuss measuring the financialprogression and movement of their community. Ballentine along with the National Action Networkissued the national call to action “Targeting Your Money,” aimed at encouraging consumers tostrategically target their money, with the specific goal of elevating their communities.

The bank selected was M&F, an FDIC insured, 100 year-old bank located throughout the state of NorthCarolina. In less than two months Ballentine’s listeners have already deposited more than half a milliondollars and growing.

Ballentine shares, “I am committed to continuing to find ways to trigger action in my community and willcontinue to leverage my talk show and everything that I touch to find new ways to elevate and breathenew life into our community, because it’s ultimately our responsibility to ensure that our communitiesthrive.” Ballentine adds, “Rev. Sharpton, along with Ben, Marc and our other supporters all share thesame relentless commitment and drive to uplifting our community. Our shared goal is to underline ourcollective economic power and become more strategic in how we invest and spend our money.”

Ballentine continues to galvanize his listeners along with consumers, business leaders and social groupsall across America to actively get involved in empowering and transforming their own communities.Through active partnerships with his listeners, sponsors and supporters, Ballentine uses the power ofmedia and communications to promote change and positively influence the lives of others. He continuesto be a leading voice on issues and challenges facing Black America. Ballentine continues to spotlightissues such as racial injustice, financial literacy & economic prosperity, criminal justice, and other topics.

Warren Ballentine is a popular attorney, a nationally syndicated radio host, author, and a regular onSunday nights on the newsroom on CNN. The Warren Ballentine Show can be heard weekdays from10AM-1PM (check local market listing information) or visit

For interview requests or media inquiries, please contact Nikki Barjon at 404.419.6648 or404.514.9992 or via email at [email protected].