Press Releases

National Action Network Leadership Attends President Obama’s Remarks At The White House Regarding Middle Class Tax Cuts

Nov 28, 2012

November 28, 2012–President Barack Obama delivered remarks today at the White House to middle class Americans, many of whom will be negatively impacted if Congress fails to act to extend the middle class tax cuts. The President discussed the importance of extending middle class tax cuts for 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses. A typical middle class family of four would see its taxes rise by $2,200 if Congress does not act. The remarks by the President were attended by National Action Network leadership including lifetime NAN member Mr. Joe Jones, a retired automobile industry worker who worked at General Motors for 36-years and said after the President’s remarks: “As a retiree, a $2,200 rise in my taxes will leave me no way to pay my homeowner taxes nor allow me to help my grandchildren with their education.”

Rev. Al Sharpton and other leaders of civic organizations met with President Obama about the “fiscal cliff” earlier this month and Rev. Sharpton said: “If negotiations cannot stop the spending cuts across-the-board, African-Americans, Latinos and poor people are the ones who will go over a cliff. The wealthy will only have a downward slide on an exalted slope. The difference between the fiscal cliff and the exalted slope arises from how one is defined by class, income, and race in this country.”

Also in attendance at the White House for the remarks by the President was Rev. Charles Williams, President of the Michigan Chapter of NAN. According to Rev. Williams: “If Congress fails to act, struggling cities across the nation like Detroit stand to lose billions that will be sucked out of the local economy. Communities and congregations in Michigan are already seeing people affected by foreclosure, public employee layoffs and the downsizing of the state’s welfare program. If Congress doesn’t act, it will be the last blow of devastation to our communities.”

National Action Network’s Washington DC Bureau Chief Janaye Ingram said that NAN will continue to encourage NAN members to speak out and push Congress to protect middle class Americans from an income tax increase at the end of the year.