Press Releases

National Action Network Celebrates the Life and Contribution of Dr. Dorothy Height

Apr 26, 2010

I am deeply saddened by the passing of my shero, Dr. Dorothy Height, a woman who fought for fairness and understanding during the peak of the civil rights movement. At the age of 25, she began her career as a civil rights activist. She went on to develop leadership training programs, as well as interracial and ecumenical education programs in order to foster an understanding when it was unpopular. Honored by Presidents and leaders of the world, Dr. Height ran the race until the very end. Nineteen years ago, National Action Network was founded in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream, but with the endurance of Dr. Height. We will take the baton now. Her work is done here. But, her legacy will live on in the spirit of all of us at National Action Network. We will continue the race.

Tamika D. Mallory, Executive Director, National Action Network