Press Releases

Joint statement from Rev. Al Sharpton, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and Congressman Anthony Wiener regarding trip to Haiti

Jan 19, 2010

January 18, 2010–Because the understandably extreme short notice given to fly into Haiti has made it impossible logistically to amass the necessary personnel, equipment and supplies from across the region within that short window to get to Haiti, and that we wish to ensure that the supplies and help do not cause an undue administrative burden to the rescue and recovery operation currently underway, we have determined to travel to Haiti as quickly as possible within a realistic logistical framework that will maximize the help that Haiti needs from the resources we have.

We are collecting water, medical and other supplies and bringing doctors to Haiti. We are going to make sure the people of Haiti are not forgotten.

For Reverend Al Sharpton

Rachel Noerdlinger

[email protected]

For Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Glen Caplin

(917) 865-7556

[email protected]

For Congressman Anthony Weiner

Jonathan Kott

(202) 431-9125

[email protected]