Press Releases
Statement by Rev. Al Sharpton and National Action Network (NAN) on President Joe Biden’s Judicial Nominee Announcements
New York, NY (March 30, 2021) — The judicial nominations announced today by President Joe Biden are one of the most significant steps towards racial diversity and inclusion in our justice system. I received the list of his nominations while sitting in the courthouse in Minneapolis with the family of George Floyd. As we watch the trial proceedings with heavy hearts—it is no doubt an accurate portrayal of where we find ourselves as a country yet, in the context of these nominations, we are reminded of where we can go if we work together to further judicial progress.
According to the White House, the cohort of nominees includes three African American women chosen for Circuit Court vacancies as well as candidates who, if confirmed, would be the first Muslim American federal judge in U.S. history, the first AAPI woman to ever serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of D.C., and the first woman of color to ever serve as a federal judge for the District of Maryland.
By making these nominations within his first 100 days in office, President Biden is setting a tone that is encouraging to both civil rights and community leaders. I am hopeful that progress will be made to advance diversity, tolerance, and empathy in our institutions.