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Press Releases
National Action Network Women Leaders: Statement on the Implications of Roe v. Wade
National Action Network Women Leaders_
National Action Network Women Leaders:
Statement on the Implications of Roe v. Wade
As we stand at a critical moment in the fight for civil rights, particularly in the realm of reproductive justice, the National Action Network reflects on the profound impact of overturning Roe v. Wade on the 51st anniversary of the landmark decision. The threat to reproductive rights, especially for Black Women, demands our collective attention more now than at any point in the last half century. Fifty-one years ago, Roe v. Wade, a landmark decision that affirmed a woman’s constitutional right to choose, has been a crucial safeguard for reproductive freedom for nearly five decades.
For Black women especially, this decision has played a vital role in ensuring access to safe and legal abortion services, allowing them autonomy over their bodies and reproductive choices. Black women already must navigate intersecting layers of oppression while facing unique challenges in access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. Economic disparities, systemic racism, and unequal healthcare access compound the difficulties they encounter. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has exacerbated these challenges. Additionally, women now face a new reality of criminal prosecution, specifically in cases where they are seeking life-saving treatment and need to travel across state lines to receive it. This is unconscionable and why we need Congress to pass the Abortion Justice Act.
The struggle for civil rights and reproductive justice is intertwined. We call upon lawmakers, advocates and allies to stand united in fighting against continued efforts to undermine reproductive rights and to work towards a future where Black women, like all individuals, have the agency to make decisions that align with their values and circumstances.