Press Releases
REGISTER HERE: NAN’s First Monthly Virtual Town Hall on Coping with COVID-19 & Protecting Our Communities
(New York, NY) — In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, Reverend Al Sharpton, with National Action Network will begin to host monthly virtual town halls. This format will allow us to continue to organize remotely, as it is vital to our organization to continue to lead and listen to our community.
Our first virtual Town Hall will take place on March 29th, at 7pm EST. We will discuss the coronavirus and its impact on underrepresented communities. How will the homeless and the incarcerated be cared for during this time of uncertainty?
Rev. Sharpton will moderate a discussion with expert guests on Sunday, March 29, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. EST. The town hall is free and open to the public but you must register.
Confirmed Panelists
Moderator: Reverend Al Sharpton, President and Founder National Action Network
Featured Speaker: Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman and Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus
Dr. George C. Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association
Dr. Jennifer Caudle, Family Medicine physician and Associate Professor in the department of Family Medicine at Rowan University- School of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. William F. Tate IV, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Professor of Education and of African and African-American Studies and Edward Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professor in Arts & Science, Washington University St. Louis
How to participate
This town hall will use the GoToWebinar platform. Register here in order to get access to the meeting room on March 29th.