Press Releases
Rev. Sharpton and Gov. Haley Agree to Meet and Discuss Pressing Issues
For Immediate ReleaseJune 25, 2015
Contact: Liz Kenigsberg/Dominic Hawkins
Phone: 202-464-9522
Rev. Sharpton and Gov. Haley Agree to Meet and Discuss Pressing Issues
New York, NY – Today, Rev. Al Sharpton, President and founder of National Action Network (NAN), participated in the funeral services of Ethel Lance and Sharonda Singleton, two of the nine victims of the tragic South Carolina shooting last week. Rev. Sharpton also spoke to South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and both agreed to meet to discuss a range of issues in the future. Rev. Sharpton released the following statement:
“Today, I had a chance to celebrate the lives of Ethel Lance and Sharonda Singleton and praise the way their families have handled such a tragic situation with dignity and grace. I also had an opportunity to speak with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and we both agreed to meet in the future to discuss a range of issues, including healthcare, criminal justice reform and voting rights. It’s time for us all to come together and have a serious conversation about racism and inequality which remain central challenges facing our great country.”