Press Releases

Statement from the Chairman of National Action Network Reverend Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson Regarding the Passing of Reverend Al Sharpton’s Mother

Mar 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012–“More than 55-years-ago, a single Black woman raised her son to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. As a result of her doing what our mother’s do, today many of the voiceless have voices, the hopeless have hope, and the victims of injustice have an advocate. We mourn the loss of Mother Ada Sharpton and we lift Rev. Sharpton, his daughters Dominique and Ashley, and their entire family in prayer.”

Reverend Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson, Chairman of the Board, National Action Network and Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Mt. Vernon, NY