The Fire This Time: A Virtual Town Hall Forum with Rev. Al Sharpton
In the wake of the dual pandemics — COVID-19 and George Floyd (Racism) — that the nation is grappling with, especially the Black community, this Town Hall forum will foreground the ‘fire’ and wisdom of Rev. Al Sharpton, and will also underscore the voices of a diverse panel of Historically Black College and University (HBCU) deans, professors, program directors (The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, United Negro College Fund), and provosts who will react and provide perspective through their respective professional and theoretical lenses. This forum will be moderated by Dr. Jamal Watson, Editor-at-Large at Diverse.
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. CDT — Conversation with Rev. Al Sharpton
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. CDT — Panel Discussion with Distinguished HBCU Professors and Administrators
Rev. Al Sharpton, President and Founder of National Action Network
Dr. Jamal Watson, Editor-at-large of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
Dr. Fred Bonner, Executive Director of MACH-III Center, Endowed Chair and Chief Scientist in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Prarieview A&M University
Dr. Cynthia Spence, Associate Professor of Sociology at Spelman College, Director of Social Justice Fellows Program, Director of UNCF/Mellon Programs
Dr. Camille Mckayle, Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs at University of the Virgin Islands St. Thomas and St. Croix
Dr. Pamela Obiomon, Dean of the Roy G. Perry School of Engineering at Prairieview A&M University
Dr. Bryant Marks Associate Professor at Morehouse College
Selected Press
Rev. Al Sharpton to host pandemics focused virtual Town Hall