SAT: During NAN’s Virtual Live Action Rally & Broadcast, Rev. Al Sharpton will Call on NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea to Issue a Cease and Desist to Officers Practicing Racial Profiling with Social Distancing Enforcement
New York, NY (Friday, May 8, 2020) — National civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton will call on New York City Police Commissioner Dermot F. Shea to explain the disparities around social distancing arrests in New York City in the wake of public reports that illustrates the disproportionate enforcement tactics used in communities of color. Recent data shows that more than two thirds of the arrests in Brooklyn were in the predominantly Black neighborhood of Brownville. According to the data released by the Brooklyn DA’s office, of those arrested, 35 people were Black four were Hispanic and one was white. In non-Black neighborhoods, sunbathers without masks that weren’t practicing social distancing were uninterrupted by the police. Rev. Al Sharpton and NAN convened a mass effort against stop-and-frisk policing in the Bloomberg era and are assessing direct action now in the wake of troubling statistics coming out of the NYPD.
Rev. Al Sharpton, President of National Action Network (NAN)
Virtual Live Saturday Action Rally & Broadcast
The House of Justice (NAN’s headquarters)
106 West 145th Street (At Malcolm X Blvd.)
Watch live on facebook @thenationalactionnetwork on NAN’s website, on Impact Television or listen on WLIB 1190 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2020 – 9:45 a.m.