Rev. Sharpton Recognizes Families Who Have Lost Loved Ones to Police Brutality at George Floyd Funeral
(Houston, TX) — During his eulogy at the final celebration of George Floyd’s life, Reverend Sharpton spoke about committing to the fight for justice for Floyd’s family. Speaking from experience, he talked about the endurance needed to “stay after the last TV truck has gone”. Sharpton also spoke to the living history of the “I can’t breathe” movement, acknowledging family members of other fatal victims of hate crimes, by police officers and others, who were in attendance.
“The mother of Trayvon Martin, will you stand?” he said. “The mother of Eric Garner, will you stand? The sister of Botham Jean, will you stand? The family of Pamela Turner, here in Houston, will you stand? The father of Michael Brown from Ferguson, Mo., will you stand? The father of Ahmaud Arbery, will you stand?”
Watch Rev. Sharpton honor these families in the clip below.
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