Rev. Sharpton & Gwen Carr Travel to Minneapolis to Rally at the Location Where George Floyd was Arrested and Fatally Pinned
—(Minneapolis, MN) — Reverend Al Sharpton and Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner, traveled to Minneapolis to stand for justice for George Floyd. They met with community leaders and activists on strategy and rallied at the exact location where Mr. Floyd was arrested and fatally killed by a police officer. Reverend Sharpton also spoke to the Governor of Minnesota and Attorney General Keith Ellison and pressed for the arrest of all four officers involved in Mr. Floyd’s death.
At the site, Rev. Sharpton recalled the legacy of Eric Garner, who also cried out “I can’t breathe” when put in a chock-hold by NYPD officers. “I can’t breathe” became a rallying cry around the nation, for all those protesting the brutal injustice of his death. Sharpton points out, “In the case of Eric Garner, it took us five years to get him fired. If they had prosecuted that officer, maybe Floyd would be alive today.”
Reverend Sharpton also discussed next steps for how the arrests and eventual prosecution of the officers involved could be carried out. “You do not need anything more than you have now to arrest those four police officers,” he said. “There is probable cause right now.”
On Saturday, Rev. Sharpton and the National Action Network will call together people from across the country to be part of the “We Can’t Breathe” movement. Stay tuned for more updates, as NAN continues to rally until we get justice.