Rev. Al joins call to give up mom’s killer
—The family of a Brooklyn mom who was killed shielding kids from gang gunfire met yesterday with community leaders and politicians, who urged residents to start snitching on their gun-toting neighbors.
“We have to start turning the thugs in,” said Tamika Mallory, executive director of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. “We must stop protecting the thugs who are living amongst us. You cannot live in our community and kill us.”
Mallory and Sharpton met with Denise Peace, whose daughter, Zurana Horton, a 34-year-old mom of 13, was shot dead Friday shielding a group of kids from flying bullets near a school in Brownsville.
“I told [Peace] her daughter’s a hero,” Sharpton said. “[Horton] put herself in danger’s way and made the ultimate sacrifice.”
Horton was the third of Peace’s children to be killed by gun violence.
“I’m hoping that we can do something about these guns,” Peace said.
“It’s a shame how innocent people are dying. These children are going to miss their mother so much, and so am I.”