
History Now: Sharpton Recreates Selma To Montgomery March

Mar 04, 2012

MLK, Coretta Scott-King, demonstratorsSpearheaded by Civil Rights activist and host of MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, Rev. Al Sharpton, the recreation of the historic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to protest voter suppression laws begins today.

RELATED: Rev. Al Sharpton To Appear In April Issue of Vanity Fair

The march was organized by the National Action Network, who partnered with “congressional leaders, activists and everyday citizens” in response to the archaic voter ID laws that control the political climate in one of the most historically racist states in the union. Beginning at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, it will culminate in front of the Alabama State Capitol. Sharpton once famously said, “We have defeated Jim Crow, but now we have to deal with his son, James Crow Jr., Esq.”

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Huffington Post, Rev. Sharpton stresses the magnitude of this pivotal point in history:

It’s amazing that almost 50 years after this historic legislation [Voting Rights Act] was enacted that we now find ourselves under attack yet again… Your future, my future, our children’s future and the future of this very nation. Without any validation, individual states are passing these strict voter ID laws that are clearly designed to disenfranchise the poor, people of color, the elderly and young folks. Instead of allowing utility bills and other items that were used for years as appropriate forms of ID for voting, supporters of these new laws would like nothing more than to discourage people from participating. Rather than making the process easier and open to all, they are working diligently on finding new ways to suppress the vote.

Whether you march along this historic route with us, or help organize buses, or participate in any fashion, make sure you do something. We have fought far too long and sacrificed far too much to allow anyone to repeal justice. Say no to voter suppression and anti-immigration laws. Let’s remind the world once again what’s at stake here. It’s time to go back to the future: all roads lead to Selma on Sunday.

The march will last from March 4-9, 2012.  To learn how to participate, please click here.


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