
EXCLUSIVE: Erica Garner Slams “Fraudulent Claims” In O’Keefe Video, Announces Foundation

Feb 24, 2015

Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner, leads a march of people protesting the Staten Island, New York grand jury's decision not to indict a police officer involved in the chokehold death of Eric Garner in July, on December 11, 2014 in the Staten Island Neighborhood of New York City. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner, leads a march of people protesting the Staten Island, New York grand jury’s decision not to indict a police officer involved in the chokehold death of Eric Garner in July, on December 11, 2014 in the Staten Island Neighborhood of New York City. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

Erica Garner, daughter of slain cigarette seller Eric Garner, says comments she made about Rev. Al Sharpton in a video released by conservative activist James O’Keefe‘s Project Veritas were “taken out of context, edited and released to partisan outlets for nefarious reasons.” The New York Post published the video today, with a story titled, “Garner’s Kid On Sharpton: He’s all About The Money.” 

In a statement released exclusively to NewsOne, Garner said:

On February 24, 2015, The New York Post released a story claiming that Erica Garner, the daughter of Eric Garner believes that Reverend Al Sharpton of the National Action Network (NAN) is “all about the money” and only wants his face in the front of issues. In response to those fraudulent claims, Erica has released the following statement:

“It is unfortunate that the New York Post and James O’Keefe have taken a moment of reflection and mourning as an opportunity to sow discord and confusion among a peaceful and unified movement. The comments were taken out of context, edited and released to partisan outlets for nefarious reasons.  Reverend Sharpton, Cynthia Davis, and NAN are greatly appreciated in their assistance in helping me to fight for justice in my father’s murder. O’Keefe and the Post do not represent the kind type of dialogue that I am trying to engage in, nor does that article reflect my feelings towards the Reverend and National Action Network.

“To make sure that partisan hit-men like Mr. O’Keefe and bottom feeders can no longer impede progress to racial harmony and equality I would like to announce the foundation that I have started with the help of like-minded community partners, The Garner’s Way foundation. With this foundation I will fight to engage communities all over the world in this struggle through, political awareness, music, arts and community activism. Your support in the fight is desperately needed all donations can be made at

“The Garner Way Foundation, aims to engage communities all over the world in social justice issues through, political awareness, music, arts and activism.”

Eric Garner died after a New York City police officer put him in a chokehold. A grand jury declined to bring charges in the case, a decision which sparked widespread protests.

RELATED STORY: NYC Stands Up In Response To The Grand Jury Decision For Eric Garner’s Death [VIDEO]

O’Keefe has made a career of targeting liberal organizations and people with undercover videos. The infamous undercover video in which he and a colleague posed as a pimp and prostitute asking for tax advice at an ACORN office helped to topple the community organization, which had engaged in extensive voter registration work.

RELATED STORY: Fake ACORN Pimp Tied To White Supremacists

In the latest video (below) an undercover reporter from his Project Veritas surreptitiously recorded Erica Garner making comments about Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network. The video also contains undercover recordings of Trayvon Martin’s father Tracy Martin, a lawyer for the Trayvon Martin Foundation, and other individuals involved in high-profile cases involving the deaths of unarmed Black men.

As the New York Post describes:

“You think Al Sharpton is kind of like a crook in a sense?” the investigator is heard asking Garner’s oldest daughter.

“He’s about this,” Snipes replies, rubbing her fingers together.

“He’s about money with you?” the undercover asks.

“Yeah,” Snipes responds.

Later, Garner is seen describing an interaction with the Staten Island director of Sharpton’s National Action Network, Cynthia Davis, after she passed out fliers relating to her father’s case that did not bear NAN’s logo. As the New York Post describes:

“She started attacking me. ‘Oh, I see that you got this flier out, how come you didn’t add the logo?’ ’’ Snipes said.

The undercover then asks, “They want their logo on your fliers?”

“Instead of me, he wants his face in front,” Snipes says, referring to Sharpton

“But it’s not about them, it’s about your dad,” the undercover says.

“Exactly,” Snipes responds.

“Al Sharpton paid for the funeral. She’s trying to make me feel like I owe them,” she adds.

In the Project Veritas video Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin, responds to a question about Sharpton by saying, “You know, everyone has their own different opinions. You know, I mean, he’s on his own personal mission.”

Also heard is Darryl Parks, a lawyer for the Trayvon Martin Foundation, responding to a comment by an undercover reporter that Sharpton is “all about the money.” “There may be a little truth to that,” Parks replied.  However, as the Post relates:

Parks on Monday night told The Post that he was “totally misconstrued” by a woman who misrepresented herself as a donor willing to give $50,000 to the foundation. He said it was a lengthy interview taken out of context.

“This is operating under false disguise. It’s nothing but hogwash,” said Parks, who stressed that he supports Sharpton.

In response to NewsOne‘s request for comment on the story, National Action Network released the following statement from Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; and Esaw Snipes-Garner, widow of Eric Garner:

“Today’s NY Post front page story is deeply misleading about the relationship between our family, National Action Network, and Rev. Al Sharpton.

As the mother and head of the estate of Eric Garner, and the widow of Eric Garner, let us be clear: We reached out and asked for help and assistance from Rev. Al Sharpton and National Action Network in the wake of Eric’s death. National Action Network and Rev. Al Sharpton have honored all of our requests, including covering the expenses of Eric’s funeral. We believe that their involvement is solely based on their commitment for justice for Eric and our family. It is National Action Network’s policy that they do not accept monies or even reimbursement from victim’s families.

Erica made it clear in this NY Post article that the way the interview was conducted was extremely deceptive and her comments were taken out of context.

We appreciate the work that National Action and Rev. Sharpton has done and continues to do for our family. The best way to continue to seek justice and honor Eric is through peaceful demonstrations, including by attending this Saturday’s rally with Rev. Sharpton at National Action Network.”

SEE ALSO:  Trayvon Martin Family Lawyer Says DOJ’s Decision Marks End Of Road Legally In Case