NAN Youth Huddle
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Oct 26 2020
House of Justice
New York , New York 10039
Youth Huddle is resuming in-person meetings at the House of Justice in Harlem. Masks and social-distancing are enforced.
If you would like to view the meeting, you can tune into the livestream view NAN’s Livestream Portal.
For more information call 877-626-4651.
About NAN Youth Huddle
The NAN Youth Huddle is a youth and young adult initiative centered around community service, STEM training, civic engagement, health and wellness, self-empowerment, performing arts, and mentorship under the umbrella of Rev. Al Sharpton’s national civil rights organization, The National Action Network.
NAN’s Huddle initiative, founded by Ashley Sharpton after the non-indictment of George Zimmerman in 2013, holds meetings every Monday, where the medium is raw and honest conversation.
Each week we focus on a different pressing topic and review monthly goals. Young adults who want to contribute to their community and engage in meaningful discussions with tomorrow’s leaders should attend. Parents, teachers and mentors are welcome as well.
Missed a meeting or want to see what we’re about? View recordings of previous meetings here.