Chapter News
NAN Sacramento Chapter Partners with Lyft and Sacramento Food Bank to Help Deliver Resources during COVID-19
—Mar 24, 2020

The NAN Sacramento California is currently partnering with Lyft to provide $5000 worth of $25 free ride credits and with Sacramento Food Bank Partnership to provide free groceries for those in need.
Lyft Partnership
To get free Lyft ride credits, text “needalyft” to 71441. You will receive a code to initiate the offer.
This code is valid for use anywhere in Sacramento county, and expires on March 31st.
Sacramento Food Bank Partnership
We are also passing out free groceries every Thursday and Sunday in partnership with the Sacramento Food Bank at the Genesis church.
Genesis Church is located at 2801 Meadowview Road, Sacramento CA 95832. Please call (916) 399-4936 for more information.