Chapter News
NAN Across America (12/14/11)
—Atlanta, GA Chapter
The Atlanta chapter’s weekly report is listed below.
1. NAN Atlanta members met with the ACLU to get information and materials on Constitutional Law, and “Knowing Your Rights Pamphlets”.
2. NAN Atlanta members attended the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Conference on December 1, 2011 at Georgia Tech University. The conference was hosted by Congressman John Lewis, and sought to address the needs of Georgia’s citizen’s in the current media landscape. Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Michael Copps addressed concerns raised.
3. NAN Atlanta members attended the Atlanta Jobs with Justice Press Conference on December 2nd in room 403 of the State Capitol. NAN Atlanta stood with other leaders of various grassroots organizations to call for aggressive action to turn our economy around through a public hiring program and extending unemployment insurance benefits.
4. NAN Atlanta was contacted by relatives of inmates at the Women’s Transition Center in Atlanta. This is the largest transition center in GA., where women leave after being in prison to transition back into society. Inmates complained that they were being denied lunch, visitation, and that the rules set by the institutions commission were not being followed. Troya Sampson and Anderia Bishop met with the Warden, Mr. Stanley Arrington and the Superintendent, Dr. Alfrita Dunn-Logan regarding the matter on 11/29/11. The issues were discussed, and the staff was highly apologetic and very willing to work toward a solution for those inmates who issued statements regarding how their rights were violated. We will follow-up with the families, and monitor the progress of the case and claims of the inmates.
5. NAN Atlanta was contacted by High-profile Atlanta attorney, Lisa Cummings, who was wrongfully terminated from her position as a Public Defender for the City of Atlanta. She was cited for meeting with clients and researching their cases. Although these duties are listed in her job description, she was cited and terminated for fulfilling this duty.
6. Mary Cousins contacted us regarding her 11 year old grandson, who was handcuffed, taken to the police department, and criminally charged for a nonviolent offense that happened at school.
7. NAN Atlanta has been working with David Yang, a client with a discrimination suit against his former employer. (see link: David appealed his case, up to the Supreme Court level. The Supreme Court overturned his case (he won), and returned it to the original court to be re-tried. He was given the same judge (Russell Vineyard – Magistrate Judge) and Judge Vineyard dismissed the case before it was heard for a second time. We will need help from National on this one. We also are planning a protest at the Federal Bldg. regarding this case. The protest was tentatively scheduled for 10/20/11.
8. NAN Atlanta is currently supporting a young man in Tifton, Ga. who was unjustly expelled from school. The chapter received and reviewed the documents from the school board pertaining to this case. Based on the review, the chapter decided to meet with the attorney of the young man (Jalon Jackson), to lend our support in hearings and court dates. We will also host an informational press conference for Jalon to gain additional support for him in the community. We are following the lead of his Attorney, Larry Ellerby, and waiting for the next hearing date to be set by the State School Board of Education.
9. NAN Atlanta will continue to solicit membership from people who come to us as clients with civil rights related needs. We offer membership to those we contact at various events in Atlanta.
Brooklyn, NY Chapter
The Brooklyn Chapter reports that on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, the chapter, Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood and many other pastors hosted a farewell party for Dr. David Jefferson.
The Brooklyn Chapter members would also like to report that they participated in the following rallies and marches Occupy Wall Street march and rally for Foreclosures in East New York on December 6; March for Jobs & Justice in Harlem on December 9, sponsored by National Action Network March from the NYC office of the Kock brothers to the United Nations to protest voter suppression.
Philadelphia, PA Chapter
The Philadelphia chapter weekly report is listed below.
1. There is a Planned Strategy Action Meeting with the residents in the Borough of Colwyn, PA , which is a predominately African American community seeking to receive proper police assistance from the surrounding police boroughs (in most cases white). These surrounding boroughs have a working mutual agreement to provide assistance to each other but have refused to do so with regard to Colwyn after an African American was appointed to head the tiny police force. This is a ongoing problem and with NAN’s assistance the residents are elevating their concerns to ACTION! The meeting with Colwyn will take place Wednesday, December, 14th, 2011 @ 6.00pm.
2. There will be a press conference with the “Professionals for progress” along with “Occupy Philly Economic development Committee,” on Friday December 16th, 2011 at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
3. We had our regular strategy meeting with the family of Albert Purnell, Jr a young man who was shot and killed by police unarmed and with his hands up. There was an info flyer distribution on Saturday, December 10th, 2011 at various destinations through out the Philadelphia, PA area. There is a planned return visit to city council over police brutality and the unjust killing of Young Purnell.
4. We will Partner with District council 33 (AFSCME) and the Fetonville Business Association to provide free dinners and other items for the Christmas Holidays.
5. NAN has been invited to the offices of the Philadelphia Police Advisory Commission to learn the process utilized by the commission to handle police brutality complaints and the info retrieved ie: areas will police brutality is reported to be occurring, police district, racial make up etc. (very important as it allows NAN to see the pattern and trends, etc. to better allow NAN to respond to these types of concerns.
6. The chapter participated in a very successful follow-up rally for jobs and justice, this despite the last minute logistical changes. We had approximately 200 participants including occupy Philly, Congressman Bob Brady, Vice Chair of the Penn Legislative Black Caucus, State Rep Vanessa Brown, Union Leader Herman Pete Matthews, the AFLCIO and many more participants.
7. The chapter attended the 30th, anniversary of the incarceration of Mumia Abu Jamaal at the Pennsylvania Constitution Center.
8. We have had at least twenty (20) new members join the chapter within the last month, and we plan to continue this magnificent growth.
Staten Island, NY Chapter
The chapter reports they are having a membership meeting on Friday, December, 16, 2011 at 7:30pm; at the NAN office located at 382 Jersey Street, Staten Island, NY 10301.