Chapter News
NAN Across America (11/30/11)
The chapter attended a juvenile court hearing for a 6th grader Quenton Cousins who was unjustly charged and expelled from school. We will attend court with his family for the next hearing December 1. Members also attended the “Stop the violence press conference calling for a cease-fire for teen violence. Members developed an action plan to address violence and are working on implementation. WE have contacted the publicists of several artists and are waiting to receive a video or press release from them, speaking out against teen violence
NAN Atlanta members attended the protest against CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) is a for-profit prison in Lumpkin, Ga. The rally was sponsored by several non-profit human rights organizations in the Metro-Atlanta area.
NAN Atlanta was contacted by relatives of inmates at the Women’s Transition Center in Atlanta. This is the largest transition center in Ga., where women leave after being in prison to transition back into society. Inmates complained that they were being denied lunch, visitation, and that the rules set by the institutions commission were not being followed. Troya Sampson and Anderia Bishop met with the Warden, Mr. Stanley Arrington and the Superintendent, Dr. Alfrita Dunn-Logan regarding the matter on 11/29/11. The issues were discussed, and the staff was highly apologetic and very willing to work toward a solution for those inmates who issued statements regarding how their rights were violated. We will follow-up with the families, and monitor the progress of the case and claims of the inmates.
NAN Atlanta was contacted by High-profile Atlanta attorney, Lisa Cummings, who was wrongfully terminated from her position as a Public Defender for the City of Atlanta. She was cited for meeting with clients and researching their cases. Although these duties are listed in her job description, she was cited and terminated for fulfilling this duty.
Mary Cousins contacted us regarding her 11 year old grandson, who was handcuffed, taken to the police department, and criminally charged for a nonviolent offense that happened at school.
NAN Atlanta will continue to solicit membership from people who come to us as clients with civil rights related needs. We offer membership to those we contact at various events in Atlanta.
Brooklyn, NY Chapter
Brooklyn Chapter members will participate in The Safe Surrender Program on December 2 & 3rd. The “Safe Surrender” program is designed to resolve summons/warrants. It will take place @ Mt Zion Baptist Church, 365 Ralph Ave, Brooklyn New York 11233 on Friday, December 2 & Saturday December 3. Mt Zion Church 718-771-7777
Greater Baltimore Chapter
Members of the chapter participated in the following events:
11/11 – the chapter leader spoke at community organizing meeting at Lakeland Recreation Center for Arbutus, Cherry Hill and Lakeland community organizations.
11/17 – Speaker for Students and Parents of Patapsco Elementary School Family Dinner and Discussion.
11/18 – Issued letter regarding Read’s Civil Rights location where Morgan State University Students lead the FIRST (1ST) sit-in in America- not Greensboro, NC. Public Meeting scheduled, but no public notice issued.
11/19 – Visitation of home where police made search, but found no drugs or guns and may have raided the wrong home. Ask police for transparency and apology if warranted.
11/21 – Did taping for Dr. Dorsey Internet Television and Radio show.
11/21 – Sent Letter to Police Commissioner & States Attorney regarding incident with elected official Conaway and news/blogger reporter Meister.
11/22 – Did PSA for Empowerment Temple AME Church and Rev. Dr. Jamal Bryant for January 13, 2012 Job Fair & announced December 9, 2011 National Action Network Jobs & Justice Rally.
New York City Chapter
Members of the chapter participated in the following events:
1. The NYC Chapter supported the Living Wage bill currently being debated before the NYC Council. Our members participated in the Living Wage Rally held at Riverside Church on Monday, November 21, 2011.
2. Women Auxiliary —Auxiliary president, Marie Thompson thank all those who attended the Harvest Tea fundraiser on Nov. 12th with proceeds going toward the Network. Ms. Thompson also thanked those who contributed can goods and other food items that allowed them to give Turkey Baskets to 10 needy families.
3. Men’s Auxiliary — Auxiliary President, Bill Griffin continues with his mentoring program for young boys, between the ages of 10 – 18.
4. Performing Activist Program–Meets regular on Monday nights from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. at the HOJ. Friday nights includes Black Theater (1st Friday), Jazz Night (2nd Friday) and Movie Night (4th Friday.) Occupy Broadway, in collaboration with NAN National Membership, will conduct a holiday membership campaign at Shubert Ally in the Theater District.
5. HIV/AIDS Awareness — Will host a family orientated forum for World AIDS Day at the House of Justice on December 1, 2011 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. The program will consist of a film screening of the five part documentary–“Thriving, five young people discuss living with HIV in NYC”, a panel discussing featuring NAN youth leader Victoria Pannell, with Q & A.
6. Health and Wellness— Committee collaborated with the Harlem Hospital Center to distributed 100 flu shots on Saturday, November 19th from 12 Noon to 4 P.M.
7. Political Action— Presents a forum on the Death Penalty on Saturday, December 3, 2011 @ 1:00 P.M. at the House of Justice, 106 W. 145th Street, Harlem, NY.
8. NAN Deaf Club— A successful and well attended program on “Knowing Your Rights” was held on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the HOJ.
Las Vegas, NV Chapter
The chapter reports that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has a new pilot program called (TARDY). Taking Action Regarding Delinquent Youth. This program was created to keep kids in school and reduce the numbers of property damages. The Metro Police Department along with NAN will host a community focus group to discuss the abuse of force.
On November 28th, 2011 the Las Vegas chapter will held its 3rd group discussion on the American Job’s Act and will discuss issues that are affecting Americans.
On December 9th the National Action Network will host a 25 city tour rally with Rev. Sharpton and union members for jobs.
Philadelphia, PA Chapter
Members of the chapter participated in the following events:
1. The chapter has established the Venue for the Dec 9th, 2011 follow-up Rally and March for Jobs call which will take place @ District Council 33 AFSCME 3001 Walnut Street 12-2pm. Free parking and all are invited!
2. Philly Nan treasurer Andrew Brazington along with St Rep Margo Davidson Testified at a hearing in Harrisburg Pa over the issue of Re-districting and its effect on Voters Rights
3. There was a Turkey Give Away sponsored by The renaissance Community development Corp. several Nan members participated in this wonderful Community gesture including Nan Vice President Deacon Smith.
4. The scheduled testimony before the School Reform Commission by Philadelphia NAN President Greg Brinkley over the issue of Philadelphia Police in the School was postponed due to the Thanksgiving Holidays and will be re-scheduled. This is a real serious issue provided the history of Police brutality in The City and the growing assaults against Young African American Males and females by the police department.
5. The Civil Rights Lawsuit filed by lawyers for Albert Purnell Jr. who was unarmed and shot By Philadelphia Police in front of 2 small children will begin on Dec 22nd, 2011 in federal Court and will be held at The Federal Court House 6th and Market Street in Philadelphia, Pa all are encouraged to support this Family.
6. Strategy and Planning meetings are ongoing between Philadelphia NAN reps Greg and Georjean Brinkley and members of The Purnell Family as we continue in our quest to seek Justice for Young Purnell and to press for the arrest and prosecution of the police officer who killed this unarmed Youth. The next meeting will be held Sunday December 4th, 2011 at 1530 Mayfield Street, Philadelphia, PA.
7. The chapter continues our support of Occupy Philly! Recently Nan President Brinkley visited Occupy Philly along with The Rev Jesse Jackson. Vice President Deacon Smith visited Occupy Philly on Nov 29th, 2011.
8. We are pleased to report Philadelphia NAN continues to grow in our membership, we report 16 new members since the Jobs March!
Queens, NY Chapter
The Queens Chapter will be supporting the Sean Bell Foundation toy drive December 17th at their Queens Center 107-52 Sutphin Blvd, South Ozone Park, NY, 11421. The chapter will also be handing over to Calvary Baptist Church a goodwill offering of $140 we raised toward our $500 goal for their hospitality of using the facilities to be presented at their Christmas event December 18th.
Shirley Phipps Criminal Justice Chair handling the Irving Witherspoon Case; Rev. Jordan handling the issues behind voting rights; Councilman Robert Jackson visited our chapter meeting as a guest speaker and discussed CFE – Campaign for fiscal Equity for education, what’s going on with the education budget, how it affects us and any Queens’ closings.
Political Action – Rev. A Jordan
The latest on voting rights a hearing was held by Congressman John Conyers ranking member of the Congressional Judiciary Committee on 11/14 titled “State voting law changes and voters’ rights”. Special emphasis put on restrictions and elimination of “early voting and Sunday voting rights” which affects women, the elderly, and minority voters. The hearing also spoke of new voter I.D. laws and its adverse effect on voters specifically the young. For full hearing view C-Span 3 on He also stated that when he was at the Clergy’s Breakfast a woman commented on how well organized the bus trip was to Washington. Mrs. Penny Willoughby Parker is a part of this committee and will be soon to set up with York College clubs and organizations to promote NAN awareness of voter rights and registration to the students.
Criminal Justice – Shirley Phipps
Spoke on how she attended court with Mrs. Pamela Gayle the mother whose son Irving Witherspoon whom got into an altercation that accidentally killed his father, in which he didn’t know that the father was sick and found dead hours later. As of October 25th he was arraigned on manslaughter 2 and negligent homicide. Mr. Witherspoon’s Attorney is asking that the judge review the grand jury minutes in which an adjournment is scheduled for December 8th, 2011. No further action taken.
Staten Island, NY Chapter
The Staten Island chapter will have their grand opening to coincide with their toy giveaway. They have also started a voter registration drive which is well on the way of becoming a success, and we’ve given out turkeys on behalf of the National Action Network. We are also in the process of producing flyers that we can distribute by way of volunteers and last by not least we are organizing programs for February and March for Black History and Women’s History month. On Dec. 23rd the Staten Island NAN chapter will have a Community Christmas Party, Christmas toys and gifts giveaway. The chapter does Voter Registration Drives Daily. The chapter’s next meeting Friday, Dec. 9th, 2011