Chapter News

NAN Across America (11/3/11)

Nov 03, 2011

National Field Office

The National Action Network welcomes our newest chapter located in Waterloo, Iowa. The Chapter President is Rev. Dr. Frantz T. Whitfield, and the Vice President is Pastor Lovie Caldwell. We are excited about the Waterloo chapter becoming part of the NAN family and having the leadership of Dr. Frantz T. Whitfield as we expand the work of NAN across the Mid-West.

Be on the look out for upcoming chapters in various cities across the country. Please feel free to call our national office @ (212)690-3070 or the national field office @ (646)981-5972 for information on how you can join one of the following upcoming chapters:

Buffalo, NY; Cincinnati, OH; Daytona Beach, FL; and Charlotte, NC


Atlanta, GA Chapter

The Atlanta chapter held a candle light vigil Friday, October 28th for Joetavius Stafford.  Joetavius Stafford was allegedly unarmed, and was murdered by Marta Police last week.  Link:

The chapter reports on a case where Mary Jones’ son, Eric Lee Kelly, served 19 years in prison for 2 counts of felony murder. He maintained his innocence throughout the years, and won his appeal (habeas corpus). He was detained the day he was released, and is in Richmond County Jail. He is being held without bail, and has not been charged.

The Atlanta chapter has been working with David Yang, a client with a discrimination suit against his former employer. (see link: David appealed his case, up to the Supreme Court level. The Supreme Court overturned his case (he won), and returned it to the original court to be re-tried. He was given the same judge (Russell Vineyard – Magistrate Judge) and Judge Vineyard dismissed the case before it was heard for a second time. The chapter is requesting help from the National office on this one.

The Atlanta chapter is currently supporting a young man in Tifton, Ga. who was unjustly expelled from school. The chapter received and reviewed the documents from the school board pertaining to this case. Based on the review, the chapter decided to meet with the attorney of the young man (Jalon Jackson) to lend our support in hearings and court dates.  We will also host an informational press conference for Jalon to gain additional support for him in the community. We are following the lead of his attorney, Larry Ellerby, and waiting for the next hearing date to be set by the State School Board of Education.

The chapter reports having three (3) new members this month and they will continue to solicit membership from people who come to us as clients with civil rights related needs. We offer membership to those we contact at various events in Atlanta.


Greater Baltimore Chapter

On October 26, Served as a speaker for Boy Scouts of American Baltimore chapter breakfast and received a Scout award. The chapter president Dr. Marvin Cheatham spoke at the 15 year celebration for Sen. Larry Young where National Action Network President and Founder Rev. Al Sharpton, Jr. was the guest speaker. This event took place at the historic Trinity Baptist Church.

On October 28, the chapter president attended a court hearing dealing with the tragic death of Denneane Green who was electrocuted while playing softball in Druid Hill Park in Baltimore City. He also attended and spoke at a public service commission hearing supporting the Green family and encouraging the PSC to force the Baltimore gas & electric company to use mobile checks on electricity found under ground in Baltimore and throughout the state of Maryland.

On October 29, the chapter president served as a speaker for a luncheon at Woman Power, Inc. on the subject of Redistricting.

On October 31, the chapter president sat in and hosted the radio show for Sen. Larry Young from the 6-10 am on the Larry Young Morning Show on WOLB 1010 AM Radio One, Inc. Also, was one of the guest panelists on WEAA 88.9 FM Morgan State University radio station discussion on the parole hearing for 41 year political prisoner Marshall Eddie Conway on the Marc Steiner show. The chapter reports that their membership has increased over the past several months.


Chicago, IL Chapter

The Chicago chapter will be working with various community groups to help try to get an understanding on the violence that has taken over! Our Youth Chairman Floyd Davis tends to have the ear of the various communities. We have met with the 3rd District Police Commander where a lot of the violent crimes are taking place.

The chapter is in membership mode and seeking memberships from those who work with us. I am asking each board member to be accountable for memberships from their family, friends and associates. The chapter president is seeking to set up tables in some churches to do a combination membership and voter registration drive.

The chapter is also collecting names to hold training for deputy registrars. The chapter would like to have young men and women ages 18 and up.


Las Vegas, NV Chapter

The Las Vegas chapter and Sheila Collins hosted the 2nd American Jobs Act community group discussion forum. They report the event was a huge success. They feel that the Presidents plan to put Americans back to work right away, while making important investments in education and infrastructure is essential.

The American Jobs Act will help the Las Vegas community, and the NAN organization has taken the initiative to educate the public. Sheila stated, “It’s time that we put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, let’s be the generation that makes future generations proud of what we did.”


Philadelphia, PA Chapter

1. The Philadelphia chapter participated in ongoing meetings with “The Lifers Group,” trying to change a “Time bar” provision that forbids inmates from presenting new evidence that proves the innocence of an inmate if the evidence was not presented within a certain time frame. The meeting was held Saturday October 29th, 2011.

2. The chapter participated in the 45th Anniversary of The Black Panther’s annual gathering “Unfinished Business.” The chapter participated in the workshop “Abuse of Power” along with a well noted Attorney and radio host Attorney Michael Coard.

3. The Next event (Rally and March) around our continuing efforts to get justice for the Albert Purnell, Jr. family is Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 starting from the Municipal Services Building 15th & JFK Blvd. Marching to District Attorney Seth Williams’ office @ 12.00 noon. “What’s taking you so long Mr. District Attorney” The Purnell family is determined to seek justice for their family member who was unjustly killed by Philadelphia police department despite the fact that he was unarmed. A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the Purnell family.

4. The Philadelphia chapter had a mini retreat to discuss the Philadelphia chapter’s agenda past and future initiatives. The retreat was convened in Brigatine, NJ graciously hosted by our assistant secretary Laura Dujols.

5. The Philadelphia chapter crises committee meets every Tuesday to address the growing request for assistance of the Philadelphia chapter from persons calling the crises line.


Queens, NY Chapter

The chapter collected seven (7) new memberships on the Washington, D.C. bus trip on Saturday, October 15 and one person joined during their monthly meeting.

The fundraising committee headed by Ms. Menyweather will host an “Oldies but Goodies Night” party on January 27, 2012 at Thomasina’s Catering Hall on Linden Blvd in Queens, NY from 7pm to 12 midnight. The cost will be $25 per person in advance and $30 at the door. The 13th of January 2012 is the deadline for reporting on ticket sales. Each member of NAN will be asked to purchase at least one ticket. There will be a 50/50 raffle conducted during the evening (with the approval of the Catering House).

Flyers have been posted to publicize the meetings and activities of the Chapter to attend Community Events, Walk-Ins at Daycare Centers, Churches, Neighborhood Canvassing, also announced on to recruit members We are also having the media assistant (G. Lewis) to blog to the community newspapers and postings on Facebook for the chapter. The chapter members make personal calls and welcome all to attend their monthly meetings.

Councilman member Robert Jackson will attend our next general membership meeting on November 28, 2011. He’s the Chair of the Education Committee, and will speak on the lawsuit that he brought against the State in regards to the City not receiving our fair share of state funding for education, and what’s in store for us in regards to budget cuts to our education budget. The chapter states all are welcome to attend.


Akron, OH Chapter

The chapter is collecting signatures to get HB194 added to November ballot. HB194 is a voting rights bill, we are working in Collaboration with Election 2012, thru Transportation Union, and we are Ohio.

The chapter would like to acknowledge that Kelley Williams-Bolar received clemency from Ohio Governor Kaisich and he reduced her felony down to a misdemeanor. A mother had her son taken from her and accused of child abuse with no proof that it has occurred. The chapter is working to expose the agency abuse in this case. Judge Tieodosio is favoring us and our position right


Atlanta, GA Chapter

The Atlanta chapter participated in the bus trip to Washington, D.C. for the Jobs & Justice rally. We received positive feedback concerning the trip. Chapter members participated in action planning for the “We are STILL Troy Davis” Grassroots Movement on October 11, 2011. A plan was not solidified. There will be another meeting next week to get the initial plans in motion.  Other groups who attended were: The Free The People Movement, Campaign to End the Death, POCC/BPPC, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, UNIA, Uhuru Movement, Temple of Hip Hop, Zulu Nation, Nation of Islam, and New Black Panther Party.

The chapter membership chairperson, Janice Ivery, and her committee participated in a town hall forum regarding the Wille Lynch Curse. It was hosted by Tommy Ford (from the Martin Lawrence Show), and held at the MLK Center on October 5, 2011. Our organization was well received by participants, and Beverly Kee (Tommy Ford’s Publicist) who organized the event.

Member of the leadership Commission had a conference with Southeast Regional Green Technology Council regarding partnership. They are an organization that is dedicated to educating training, certifying and career placement in green collar jobs. Solar-Tronixx Technologies is the only African-American owned and operated solar powered, hot water heater assembly plant line in the country. It is their overall initiative to set up a franchise to present to the Atlanta chapter during the conference and it has been submitted for approval from the National Field Director. We are looking forward to working with this organization.

The Atlanta chapter has a new website, and is updating social networking sites. Its goal is to “rebrand” the chapter, and having these interactive, electronic tools makes it easier to do just that. The response for the new website has been positive, and we are continuing to update and improve it.

The chapter has been working with David Yang, a client with a discrimination suit against his former employer. (see link: David appealed his case, up to the Supreme Court level.  The Supreme Court overturned his case (he won), and returned it to the original court to be re-tried.  He was given the same judge (Russell Vineyard – Magistrate Judge) and Judge Vineyard dismissed the case before it was heard for a second time. We are seeking help from National. The chapter is also planning a protest at the Federal Bldg. regarding this case. The protest was tentatively scheduled for October 20, 2011.

The chapter is currently supporting a young man in Tifton, GA. who was unjustly expelled from school. The chapter received and reviewed the documents from the school board pertaining to this case. Based on the review, the chapter decided to meet with the attorney of the young man (Jalon Jackson), to lend our support in hearings and court dates. We will also host an informational press conference for Jalon to gain additional support for him in the community.  We are following the lead of his Attorney Larry Ellerby, and waiting for the next hearing date to be set by the State School Board of Education.

The Atlanta chapter is currently filing a complaint against Kip Jones, an attorney who continues to lose cases that are seemingly “open & shut” cases. The documentation his clients have presented to us includes video evidence, voice mail recordings, and written documentation. It is our position that he consistently misrepresents his clients and railroads them into losing their case. He has represented Jeffrey Thomas and most notably, Natasha Hill, in the Cracker Barrel case.

We have started a new chapter in Tifton, GA. & Georgia State University. We are working toward working closely with them on issues in the Metro Atlanta Area. The Atlanta chapter will continue to solicit membership from people who come to us as clients with civil rights related needs. We offer membership to those we contact at various events in Atlanta.                                 


Atlantic City, NJ Chapter

Chapter President Steven Young and the South Jersey chapter are rallying every Thursday in Atlantic City, NJ with a fellowship of churches in a sign of solidarity to oppose the numerous gun-related crimes that have occurred in the resort town over the past decade. The code of silence that seems to prevail in most cases seems to be at the root of the problem. (How consistent is that?) “We want to continue to be out there to support the families of victims of gun-violence and the people have to know that they have to stop supporting the code of silence,” said President Steve Young. {The group marched from Browns Park to the corner of Baltic and South Carolina Avenues with hopes of stopping the silence once and for all.  Yes, Speak Out-Stand Up and Walk Through to Save Our Community}. Being Silent is Worst than the Act.

Chapter President Steve Young and members are still pursuing justice in the Moshawn Leach case in Pensgrove, NJ and supporting Walter Hudson who has been harassed by police officers because he spoke out against the killing of the unarmed black male.

President Young has begun coordinating a town hall meeting to discuss the takeover of Atlantic City by the State of New Jersey to include Governor Chris Christie.


Boston, MA Chapter

The chapter participated in a rally to address Suffolk county D.A. Dan Conley’s recent findings which concluded no wrong doing by the Boston police officers in the video taped beating and arrest of an African-American male teen at Roxbury Community College.

The chapter is working with prison officials at Cedar Junction, which is a maximum prison facility in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. The thrust of these meetings are designed to stop the allege inmate brutality and the protection of the inmates’ civil and human right.

The Boston chapter also reports that their membership has been increased over the last three months.


Brooklyn, NY Chapter

The Brooklyn Chapter will host a Town Hall Meeting in reference to the American Job Act Bill

Tentatively scheduled for Nov 8, @ Bethany Baptist Church @ 5pm, the final details are forthcoming. The Brooklyn Chapter will join forces with The Brooklyn D.A office and others to implement the Safe Surrender program. The goals of the meeting are to inform the public of the bill and to support the White House and the Democratic Party, details forth are coming.

The Brooklyn chapter has voter registration drives at two parks on Saturdays during football games. One location is at Kingston Park located at Kingston and Atlantic Avenues and @ Callahan /Kelly Park located at Fulton Street & Van Sinderen Streets. Registration is held from 10am – 2pm.


Chicago, IL Chapter

The Chicago chapter had a conference call on September 6, 2011 to finalize their “Measuring Our Movement Conference” scheduled for September 17, 2011. The chapter is also planning to walk in the community of Woodlawn with other groups to address some of the violence amongst the youth.  Woodlawn is the next door neighbor of Hyde Park where President Barack Obama resides.

The chapter is planning a Steppers Membership Drive as well as a membership drive on the Bus while traveling to Washington, DC.


Chapter president Forte is proud to report the Chicago chapter can now register people to VOTE in the entire State of Illinois. At one time we could only have voter registration in Cook County. On Saturday, August 20, 2011 we are hosting a strategy meeting for, “Measuring the Movement,” at the Woodson Library, 9500 SO. Haltsted, Chicago, IL from 1 to 3pm. On the weekend of September 16th and 17th the Chicago chapter will also host, “Measuring the Movement Conference,” at Mount Pilgram Baptist Church, Rev. Marshall Hatch, Pastor. 4301 W. Washington in Chicago.

The Chicago chapter met with Charles Dockery of the Memorial Park District of Calumet city about the use of the children’s park. We are dealing with retaliation because Courtland Wilson ran for Park Commissioner. At the meeting we did come to a conclusion that the students would not be arrested for using the park, they have not as of yet been given permission to utilize the park for serious practice and for games. The children are ages 6 to 14 and there are 11 parks in Calumet City, Illinois.

The chapter is supporting a petition appealing to the Governor to sign the bill that repeals the death penalty. They feel due to many errors that have occurred within the prison system and tax payer dollars are being wasted as a result of it.

Chapter President Maureen Forte and members will be networking closely with WGN-TV to provide employment data and related job postings to the community to assist in their efforts with people who are unemployed. They have launched a new magazine called the, “Challenge News,” which covers a variety of youth issues, education and trainings. They are working with the Probation Challenge Program to reach the minds and hearts of young men and women who are filtering through the criminal justice system.

Members who have vowed to continuously register people to vote, still do weekly at the Regal Theatre during scheduled concert performances. Ms. Forte and members are also collaborating efforts with members of the clergy and others to develop community patrols to assist them in decreasing some of the violence in their immediate surroundings. Chapter President Forte said, “Members and other concerned community residents are currently coordinating their own anti-violence forums to deal with the alarming rate of people being killed daily, particularly on the South Side of Chicago, IL.”


Columbus, MS Chapter

The chapter partnered with the Mississippi Hwy 45 Corridor and held a Voter Education & Voter Awareness event. There we had the Circuit Clerk to bring the voting machines out to show voters how they work. We catered to citizens ages 17 and older, in an attempt to get young people into the political process and the adults who needs to be educated on their voting rights.

The Columbus chapter is continuously conducting a fact finding, regarding the brutal racist attack and murder of the African American man James Craig Anderson in Mississippi on June 26, 2011.

Read more:


Greater Baltimore Chapter

Members of the Greater Baltimore Chapter attended a meeting with Maryland citizens against state executions to discuss the death penalty repeal legislation for the 2012 MD General Assembly Session.

The chapter is in conjunction with AFL-CIO Maryland /DC and co-hosted six (6) buses to the Jobs & Justice March in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, October 15. The chapter attended a community meeting in Charles Villages hosted by Council members Mary Pat Clarke and Carl Stokes on crime in the community.

The chapter presented a framed certificate to St. Katherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church for the 120th Anniversary. The chapter assisted WEAA 88.9 FM Morgan State University with their public pledge for financial support of the radio station. Chapter members spoke at and attended the Baltimore Metropolitan AFL-CIO Rally for Jobs and there were over a dozen unions represented along with civil rights and religious leaders.

The chapter held a press conference on October 6, to promote the “Men Making a Difference Day,” held in city hall. There were over 50 men in attendance to announce the upcoming reading initiative in Baltimore City schools. Also on October 6, members of the chapter spoke at the NAACP Washington, D.C. branch meeting regarding the death penalty. They were soliciting their support for our efforts to abolish the death penalty and free Marshall ‘Eddie’ Conway. The support was achieved.

On October 10, the chapter hosted, “Men Making a Difference Day,” where over 100 men spoke at over 70 Baltimore City Schools on this national day. President Cheatham personally spoke at New Song Academy and Western Senior High School. We previously sent pictures of some of the men participating to Rev. Toon. Also, on October 10, the chapter hosted a meeting with labor organizations and civil rights organizations to bring us together in light of the fact that labor and civil rights are being attacked. It was agreed to have labor, civil rights and faith leaders meet on a regular basis.

On October 11, the chapter held a general monthly membership meeting where over 70 citizens and members attended. The major focus of the meeting was to address the record setting low voter turnout in our September 13, 2011 Mayoral Primary Election. We had a power point presentation analyzing what happened and a panel discussion on how to avoid this great embarrassment and failure in the future.

On September 20 the chapter attended the Democratic State Central Committee Meeting for Baltimore City. The chapter participated in a vigil and rally for Troy Davis and did a 3rd video encouraging support for Troy and speaking out against the execution and death penalty (the video is on Facebook). The chapter handed out flyers at the United States Postal Service Office at both Walbrook and Druid stations announcing possible closures and Rally scheduled for Tuesday, September 27th

On September 26, the chapter participated in a rally to support 18 year olds being able to run for Baltimore city council seats. The chapter also joined with “All People’s Congress” in a rally to stop Baltimore Gas & Electric rate hikes connected to services given from the Hurricane where BGE provided slow and poor services in certain parts of the city (note: The chapter has a video on Facebook and pictures that were sent to).

On September 27, the chapter served as one of the press conference speakers at the Baltimore Teacher’s Union Office, hosted by the MD/DC/VA AFL-CIO, to request that we save America’s Postal service. The chapter was joined by over a dozen unions along with Congressmen Elijah Cummings, John Sarbanes and Dutch Ruppersberger. The chapter Co-hosted a rally at Congressman’s Cummings office in the evening with dozens of USPS workers to demand we save Americas postal service (note: We have a video on Facebook and pictures that we have been sent to NAN).

The chapter has developed a tremendous partnership with Bill Hughes who takes both video’s and pictures of most of our events and sends them to us at no cost at all). Sent e-mail to Baltimore City Fire Chief, Mayor, President of City Council, State Senators and 2 Council Representative registering a concern regarding the deaths of two (2) citizens. There appeared to have been a closing of the closest fire station, due to rotation closing coupled with the unit that responded may not have had the equipment to tear down the bar-secured windows of the house.

The chapter attended a meeting concerning redistricting the Legislative and U.S. Congressional Districts. The chapter leader is a member of the Baltimore Education Coalition and some members attended this organizations’ bi-weekly organization meeting. The chapter co-sponsored a city-wide meeting to discuss the City of Baltimore possibly not having Minority Businesses and Women Businesses involved in a multi-million dollar video terminal project. The chapter participated in the rescheduling of the Million Father March Walking and Welcoming OUR Children Back to School.

The chapter has attended a plethora of Mayoral and City Council debates. Our Primary Election was Tuesday, September 13, 2011 which includes the elected positions for Mayor, Council President, Comptroller and 14 Council Districts. Board Chairman Young and I both live in the Same 11th City Council District.

The chapter had a meeting to discuss the plans for the Million Father’s March and M.O.B.A.A.S. (Men of Baltimore Adopt a School) where Baltimore City headed up by NAN Local President Cheatham. Chapter members attended & supported a press conference held by ACLU Maryland and Baltimore Education Coalition for improving city schools starting with Booker T. Washington. Chapter president and members attended the Candidates Debates for 9th District.

The chapter went to Washington D.C. to support International Conference dealing with Political Prisoners where Baltimore has its own Marshall ‘Eddie’ Conway that has been in jail for over 40 years. The chapter president and members spearheaded the 1st day for voter registration in Baltimore before the Mayoral Primary. Partnered with NAACP, “I Vote Maryland,” the 44th Legislative District DSCC and the Baltimore City Central Committee.

The chapter had a meeting with MTA to get approval for conducting voter registration at Subway stops for March and October 2012 Voter Registration. We hosted the Larry Young morning show on WOLB 1010 had organized and hosted 2 ½ radio show on the pending execution of Troy Davis. The show had national, state and local leaders demand clemency and/or a new trial. The chapter co-sponsored a major rally at the Thurgood Marshall Statue on September 16, behind the Federal Court House demanding freedom for Troy Davis.


Horry County, SC Chapter

The chapter has been supporting the parents of a 16 year old high school student allegedly shot to death by a resource officer who accused him of assault. This resource officer has had numerous complaints by parents. The area superintendent has been alerted of the allegations.  The chapter is awaiting a response.

The chapter has been challenging their school board regarding the disparity in the number of African American teachers versus white, large percentage of African American students in alternative school, disciplinary treatment toward African American students from elementary to high school, suspension and alternative school to the juvenile system.

The chapter has demanded an investigation into alleged numerous violations against the Conway Housing Authority regarding alleged illegal evictions. They are also in the process of scheduling a meeting with black contractors to make sure they receive a fair share of the various public projects taking place in the area. The chapter is organizing a packet to send to the Department of Justice regarding alleged corrupt Magistrate Judges.


Jersey City, NJ Chapter

President Oliver-Fair has been handling a wide variety of cases in her surrounding areas. She has been addressing cases regarding education as it relates to bullying and discrimination, prisoner’s abuse and police shootings in the Jersey City and Essex County areas.

Members have been participating in Newark’s anti-violence efforts and town hall meetings in collaboration with other community organizations around the issue of gun violence in particular. Members have also taught and assisted students at the Rev. Dr. Herbert Daughtry Learning Center in Jersey City, NJ.

President Fair is always increasing the chapter’s membership with new enrollees. If you are interested in joining this chapter please contact the president through our website.


Milford, DE Chapter

On October 15th the Milford Delaware chapter of the National Action Network will be partnering with the Urban League, NAACP and other organizations to sponsor a Black Leadership Summit at 9:00am -1:00pm at the Bethel AME Church Community Center in Milford, DE. We will discuss employment, job readiness, housing, starting your own business, financial planning and more.


National Field Office & Columbus, MS Chapter

The National Field Office is working along with the Columbus, MS chapter to secure a meeting with the district attorney of Hines County, MS, Mr. Robert Shuler-Smith. This meeting is in regards to the killing of James Craig Anderson. NAN is trying to investigate why all of the individuals who are involved with the savage beating and killing of Mr. Anderson have not been charged.

Read more:


National Field Office in Flint, MI

The National Field Office is also investigating a discrimination case for Dr. Etim U. Ubong a professor at Kettering University in Flint Michigan. Dr. Ubong works on test cell research at the university and he has been denied a promotion and has been threatened to never be promoted. He is the only professor on campus who is of African descent.


New York Chapter

The NYC Chapter participated in the “Hand in Hand–Remembering 9/11” program which took place on Saturday, September 10, 2011. This program commemorated the 10th Anniversary of all our fallen heroes who perished 10 years ago in the World Trade Center attack on America. We continue to pray for all families and friends who lost a love one in this horrific tragedy. Please contact Theresa Freeman-Timmons at [email protected] for those members and friends who wish to participate in this most solemn occasion. You will be given information for the Check-In station (7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.) at ground zero, where the chain of hands will be connected at 8:46 a.m., the time of the first plane attack on the Twin Towers.

Men’s Auxiliary — NAN has moved to reestablished its Court Patrol monitoring program for

community involvement for justice in the legal system. Please contact Bill Griffin at (914) 497-8056 for further information. A mentoring program for young boys, between the ages of 10-18 is also being established.

HIV/AIDS Awareness — The committee co-sponsored testing for HIV and Hep-C on August 26, 2011, from 7-10 p.m. at the House of Justice.

There will be two upcoming Annual Community Health Fairs in which the committee will give its support and collaboration. On September 11, 2011–The Ephesus SDA Church, 101 W. 123rd Street, at Lenox Avenue, from 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday, September 25th, 2011–the 6th Annual Communities of Harlem Health Revival Health Walk & Fair– The Walk will start at 2:00 p.m. from 126th St. between 7th & 8th Avenues to Jackie Robinson Park for the Health Fair.

Second Chance — The Chair announces that the Cycle 8 Orientation for all new members will take place on Thursday, September 8, 2011, from 6-8 p.m. at the HOJ. Also, on Thursday, September 15, 2011, the committee will be providing workshop from 6- 8 p.m.

Sports Club — On Saturday, September 17, 2011, the Sports Committee Karate Team will be participating in the 20th Annual 2011 Twin Towers Classic at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 655 W. 34th Street, New York, NY (corner of 11th Ave.) Please contact Stan Mallory , at (646) 250-7309 for a specific start time for the team.


Philadelphia, PA Chapter

The Philadelphia chapter and other groups represented very well at the March for Jobs & Justice and the MLK dedication ceremony on Saturday, October 15th, 2011. The chapter has established a committee to better receive, scrutinize and service our people with respect to crisis cases. The chapter is always taking calls from the crises lines for proper processing.

The chapter is partnering with a State Democratic committee person to provide food through the Philabundance program (hunger is a major problem in Philadelphia as the 1st Congressional District is reported to be the hungriest Congress District in the Country).

We will be testifying before the School Reform Commission concerning the plan to deploy the Philadelphia police department in the public school system at the next scheduled meeting. The chapter is actively pursuing the possibility of physically presenting representatives of the U.S. Justice Department at a future public forum to address the brutality of the Philadelphia police department. Lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Al Purnell, Jr. who was shot on May 9th, 2011 although he was unarmed, witnesses say he had his hands up at the command of police, and executed in the presence of two children 4 years and 10months old respectively. The Philadelphia chapter will continue our support of this family to effect justice by demanding the cop be charged with murder.

The chapter participated in a very successful, spirited and energy filled celebration of the sixteenth anniversary of “The Million Man March” which was hosted by Mosque#12 Minister Rodney Muhammad. The chapter was a part of the organizing committee honoring the historic event which took place on October 16th, 1995. There were several events scheduled featuring The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on October 7th, 8th, and 9th, including a special closed youth leadership forum on Saturday, October 8th, 2011 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The chapter was featured prominently during these events and was recognized for the extensive and effective work we are doing for the betterment of our people. We are proud to acknowledge the major historic contribution by our chairlady Paula Peeples in both “The Million Man March” and “The Million Women March.” The Latter was a highly noted fact. Philadelphia was noted by Minister Farrakhan as having the largest contingent of Men (200,000) who went to Washington on this historic day and hence the decision to have the 16th, anniversary in Philadelphia. The chapter chairlady Paula Peeples was largely responsible for facilitating the latter.

The chapter held a very successful voter registration/education drive on Saturday, October 8th, 2011 which was hosted by our political director Gerald Pilgrim. Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. of the 4th Councilmatic district was a guest speaker and addressed several issues including job creation for our youth and the redistricting and the effects on our community. This is the first in a series of similar events the chapter will host around the city, collaborating with various noted representatives in respective areas.

The general membership of the chapter has voted to take the lead in addressing the voter suppression attempts by those operatives here in Philadelphia and around the state. We agree this is a major assault on the voter’s rights act and an attempt to circumvent the democratic process. We are collaborating with such groups as the well established and effective AARP group which represents seniors through out this country. The chapter states,”2012 is the focus!!”

The chapter will be joining “The Occupy Philly” movement as a group when we return from the march for “Jobs and Justice,“ trip in Washington, DC. It is important to mention many chapter members have attended the rally’s at various times showing our support.

The Philadelphia chapter with The Albert Purnell Jr. family, friends and others, conducted a very successful “Motorcade against Police Brutality” in the black Community on Saturday, October 1st, 2011. This event began @ Broad and Olney Streets and proceeded through various other corridors in Philadelphia. We visited about seven highly populated shopping corridors giving out several thousand of flyers and collecting hundreds of signatures on a petition. The petition will be submitted to District Attorney Seth Williams demanding that he arrest and charge the officer who shot and killed young 19 year old Albert Purnell Jr. He was unarmed and at the command of the officer showed his hands and “begged” the officer not to kill him. The officer shot and killed Young Purnell in the presence of two young babies a 4year old and a 10month old. All witnesses stated Young Purnell did not have a gun and complied with the officer’s command. We believe it is taking the D.A. too long to make a decision whether to charge the cop in question when the evidence is crystal clear the police officer violated young Purnell’s civil rights. During the course of this motorcade several others approached and shared similar stories. The complaints of police brutality are growing in our city, but so is the movement “Enough Is Enough!”

There was a follow-up meeting in the city of Chester on October 5th, 2011 to address and organize a NAN chapter in the City of Chester. This effort is being led by the Philly Chapter Vice President Matthew Smith. The gist of this meeting is to secure the basic stated requirement per national of 25 members for initial consideration.

The chapter has formed a partnership with the “Committee of Seventy” to do voter registration & education and we have been asked to assist them. The chapter’s political director Gerald Pilgrim is facilitating two additional workshops referred to NAN; they are the Northwest AARP which is scheduled for October 12th, 2011 @ Triumph Baptist Church, Germantown and Hunting Park from 1:00 – 4:00 pm and October 22nd, 2011. It is sponsored by Mothers in Charge @ a school of the deaf Germantown and School House Lane 2:00 – 4:00pm.

The chapter met with Congressman Bob Brady’s office over the ongoing fight concerning the public safety & civil rights issues the borough of Colwyn continues to experience.(the borough is predominantly black). After promoting an African American to head the tiny police department several white police officers resigned and the borough has been subject to a orchestrated effort (it appears) to not provide protection for the residents of Colwyn in the form of police assistance from the surrounding boroughs despite a mutual aid agreement. The council president (who is Black) has been subject to racial slurs and threats. We are aggressively seeking a resolution to this problem. The residents of Colwyn are galvanizing around this issue.

The chapter chairlady Paula Peeples has been asked and she agreed to participate and host a special session featuring the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on Friday October 7th, 2011 @ the first District Plaza. The chapter is part of this historic gathering and the 16th Annual Celebration of The Million Man March. Many groups are coming together to continue to work together after October 9th, 2011 to help address the problems and issues faced by African American people.

After the successful motorcade against police brutality we anticipate signing up at least 15-20 new members. The chapter’s new website is and we can be reached on twitter at Philadelphia NaN (@philanan). The new time for buses to depart for the “March for Jobs March” on Saturday, October 15th, 2011 is 5:00am, will be leaving Progress Plaza broad and Oxford Sts. We expect a major lawsuit to be filed in the shooting death of Young Albert Purnell Jr. very shortly (within a week) and PhillyNan is providing assistance.

The chapter is assisting a group of black female police officers from the Philadelphia housing authority who are being blatantly discriminated against.

The chapter is assisting  a prisoners Lifers group with trying to change a “Time Bar” issue that forbids prisoners from submitting evidence that may show the prisoner’s innocence if not submitted within a years time. The chapter is happy to report a little progress with a bill addressing this misfortune has been submitted to the state senate judiciary committee which is the most important first step in repealing this unfair and unconstitutional law. The chapter is expanding our actions with regards to this issue and continuing to expand and work on expanding the list of prisoner’s family members who are supporting this effort.

As part of Philadelphia NAN collaborative initiatives and the qualified recognition of our work in the region we were invited to the distinguished and well regarded 1000 Black men breakfast hosted by the Mount Airy Church of God and Christ which claim one of the largest Congregations in the City of Philadelphia and National Action Network was noted and recognized by The Mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter and District Attorney Seth Williams. President Brinkley represented the Philadelphia NAN chapter.

NAN has been invited to participate in a anti-violence forum as a panelist Hosted by The National Exodus Council on September 28th, 2011 at the National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA. 8-4 Philly NAN is applauded for our anti-violence efforts in and around the Philadelphia area specifically the major role we played in solving a major ongoing tragic dispute between two rival neighborhoods.


Phoenix, AZ Chapter

The chapter’s Vice president Chester Marks is working on the Underage Night Club murder in Chandler Arizona. The victim was shot down in cold blood. The chapter (on behalf of the family) is requesting the grand jury hearing transcript from the prosecutor who is representing the decease. The family wants to know what the witnesses testimonies were at the Grand Jury hearing. If the Maricopa County Attorney Office do not let us examine or copy the Grand Jury Hearing Transcript within the prescribed time under the Freedom Information Act and the Arizona Laws, we will be filing a notice of claim against the state of Arizona.

The Chapter is working on Amy Lee Sabari’s involvement in a single vehicle accident when the vehicle she was driving veered off the road and struck a light pole. Officer Wallace signed a form requesting a sample of Ms. Sabari’s blood seven minutes after she arrived at the hospital. The blood was drawn three minutes later, and he singed a form to gain custody of the blood five minutes after that. Officer Wallace did not have a warrant for a blood sample, did not have Ms. Sabari’s consent for a blood sample, nor did he have probable cause.


Queens, NY Chapter

Ms. Clark volunteered to get information on a bus outing to see “Mama I Want Sing” at in Harlem and a date will be decided on at a later date. This outing would be another effort to raise funds for NAN. Additional ideas for fundraising will be discussed at the next meeting. The chapter also agreed to have NAN’s Women’s Luncheon at the Astoria Manor in the spring, exact date and time will be announced.

Mrs. Beverly Campbell & Gail Lewis have been adhering to publicity in the local press for the Chapter. Flyers have been posted and tickets have been created to publicize the meetings and activities of the Chapter, by attending community events, walk-Ins at Daycare Centers, Churches, and neighborhood canvassing. The chapter also announced on , Recruiting Membership,  and having the media assistant (G. Lewis) to blog to the community newspapers and postings on Facebook for the Chapter as well as make personal calls to the chapter membership and welcome all to attend our monthly chapter meetings.

At the chapters next meeting they plan to discuss issues such as our illustrious National leader the Rev Dr. Al Sharpton on his show Politics Nation to be encouraged to hear him state “that as a civil rights activist I am concerned” with the suppression of voter rights. There will be new voting laws, making it harder for 5 million people to vote. We all still need to be vigilant and sober concerning this issue especially with a new Presidential Election just around the corner.

The Queens chapter would like to announce and invite those who can attend to their next general membership meeting on October 24, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The meeting will include information on domestic violence. The meeting will take place at Calvary Baptist Church, 111-10 Guy R. Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, Rev. Dr. Victor Hall, Sr. Pastor. October is domestic violence month and there will be information on domestic violence. The guest speaker will be Ms. Alexandra Patino, Esq. she is the executive director of the New York City Family Justice Center, Queens. It is a walk-in center for all domestic violence victims and their children, which makes it easier for victims to get help.

Some of the services provided at this location are case management, counseling, legal information, elder abuse services, spiritual support and a children’s play room. Services are free and available to all victims. The agency can help victims regardless of what language they speak. Some of the partnering agencies located at the center are: The Department for the Aging, Department of information, Department of Probation, Health and Hospitals Corporation, Human Resources Administration, Queens County District Attorney’s Office and Safe Horizon.

The Center is located in a building with security to ensure the safety of all entering the building. All persons will be asked to go through a metal detector before entering the center and are required to have picture identification. Person experiencing domestic violence can get all the help they need at this one location.

The Queens chapter reports that P.S. 30 has been slated to phase out, however, NY City Comptroller Liu has written an audit relative to the DOE “Blue Book” as it relates to classroom sizes. The Panel for Education Policy is scheduled for February 2012 regarding the same. Ms. Rouse and the PTA will be notified.

The Queens chapter is researching why Aubry Brown was pulled over by NYPD for an alleged DWI. Mr. Brown has acquired counsel on this matter because his car was impounded, although after receiving a breathalyzer and chemical tests that was proven to be negative.

The chapter is investigating why Antonio Williams and his companions car was being repossessed by lien holder and during this action, the police were present and the manner in which they were treated violated their civil rights. Leroy Gadsen of the NAACP was contacted on this action as well. A meeting between all the parties will be determined.


Savannah, GA Chapter

The chapter is actively involved in the election of the city council officials which will be held on November 8th 2011. The chapter is having a mayoral debate at the Longshoreman Hall tonight at 7:30pm. The chapter is also instrumental in exposing the blatant racism of the Savannah Fire Department since the inceptions of the new fire chief.

We are planning a citywide march for jobs, justice and education on November 12th 2011 for young men of all races and ethnicities ages 16-35. The chapter has added one new member to the chapter is proud to say we are actively recruiting more members. The chapter is also having a “VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE” on Saturday 21, 2011 in the inner city.

The Savannah Chapter of the National Action Network was very instrumental in seeking justice for Troy Anthony Davis to include holding public rallies and protests for his innocence. The Savannah Chapter was also instrumental in getting over 10,000 signatures on petitions at various events in the Savannah area and surrounding counties. The chapter has traveled to the state capitol in Atlanta to rally for the innocence Mr. Davis. The Savannah Chapter has also worked closely with other organizations in the community and the country such as the local and national offices of the NAACP, Amnesty International, ILA LOCAL 1414, A Phillip Randolph, local Savannah Chapter, Dunham Report and the NUWABIAN Community.

For additional information please feel free to contact Alicia L. Blakely Chapter President (912) 631-0731.

The chapter is working with the fire department on a discrimination issue within the department. In 1995 the city of savannah had 195 employees and 56 African Americans.  To date there are 311 employees and 52 African Americans.  We successfully negotiated to get him human resources Department to change the test that was administered in efforts to gain more African American firefighters. After careful research we found that 1369 people of color had applied for a job with the fire department from 2010 to present and only 1 individual was hired.

In these discussions we have found that the discrimination lies in the hands of the fire chief. We have gathered data to substantiate our claim of discrimination towards these individuals based on race gender and age.

The Savannah Chapter has also collaborated with the Democratic Party and the voter registration office here in Savannah to sponsor voter registration drives throughout the city in the months of August, September and October.


Syracuse, NY Chapter

On Tuesday, September 13, 2011 the chapter had its 2nd part forum presented by The Center for Community Alternatives, on the “Disproportionate Minority Contact in Onondaga County.” The event was held at The Fountain of Life Church located at 700 South Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. at 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. This later part contained data sides on the racial disparities in Onondaga’s county.

On Sept. 17th at 6:30 pm some of our NAN members will volunteer with The Answer (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition which our local chapter is a part of, for the Lyrical Revolt which is a fund raiser for a grave marker for Chuniece Patterson, a victim of police brutality.

On September 18th from 3:00 pm till 6:00 pm we have reschedule our Community Day. Which was postponed on Aug. 14th, 2011 due to weather? I have attached the flyer for these last two events so you will have more information about them.

On Thursday, September 8, 2011 chapter members met with the Answer Coalition -a collective group of local organizations and clergy, to have a discussion with representatives from the local police department about the recent shootings that have been going on in Syracuse.

The chapter hosted a community forum with the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) on Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 6:00 pm. The presentation covered the following topics: The Juvenile Justice System: What You Need to Know; Know your Rights: Advocating for youth involved in the Juvenile Justice System & Understanding Disproportionate Minority Contact in Onondaga County. The forum was held at The Fountain of Life Church.

On Thursday, September 1, 2011 the chapter took a van of members to The Town of Clay Town Hall Meeting and the topic will be concerning cutting services from Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security. The Mayor attended the event at 4401 State Route 31, the corner of Morgan Rd. and Rt. 31.

On Saturday, September 3, 2011, Judge Lynn Toler will be our guest speaker for our regular meeting at The Fountain of Life Church.


Portland, OR Chapter

The chapter has networked with licensed social worker, Ms. Margaret Jones and has attended a series of classes at National Institute on Mental Illness (NAMI).  The purpose is to serve as staff support to each other and to accompany each other when going to churches and other organizations.


Slidell, LA Chapter

The chapter is investigating the closing of the Rayburn WCI Correctional. The question as to where the inmates will be placed has not been disclosed.

The chapter is organizing a NAN membership and voter registration drive. A team of attorneys

will be on hand to educate voters on legal and civil rights. More details forth coming.

George Fisher, Chapter President of the Eunice, Louisiana chapter and other area attorneys will join the Slidell chapter in the month of July to educate the community on civil and criminal matters. The Slidell chapter has organized a dream team of attorneys committed to working with our clients in the St. Tammany Parish regarding cases of alleged civil rights violations and criminal injustices.


Shreveport, LA Chapter

The Chapter has petitioned the court to remove the Confederate Flag and Monument located in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse, in Shreveport, Louisiana.  They argue that the flag symbolizes glorified racism and prejudice.

The flag has flown in front of the courthouse since 1951. It was raised on private property during a protest of a Civil Rights movement and flies beside a Confederate monument. The monument was put in place in 1903 to honor Caddo Parish as the final stance of the Louisiana confederacy.

The Chapter is fighting the redistricting of Caddo Parish.

Due to the budgetary crisis in Shreveport, a number of predominately black schools in Caddo Parish have closed.  Chapter President, Artis Cash, has met with Superintendent Gerald Dawkins to discuss revisiting the unfavorable decision.


Staten Island, NY Chapter

The Staten Island Chapter has assisted five constituents thus far with referrals from our office.

The chapter is also conducting a major voter’s registration drive and education until the deadline of the upcoming presidential election. Our goal is to register 1000 voters by January.

The chapter plans to feed families and give Christmas toys to families in need during the month of December. Our office is open five days a week. We take walk-ins or they can call my number temporarily until we set up a telephone system. Our Grand Opening will be held sometime within the first or second week of November. We would to have Members from the National Headquarters to attend.

Tri-State (NJ/DE/PA) Burlington, Camden & Gloucester, NJ Chapter

Chapter President Grafton Hunley and members are currently coordinating efforts in the student selection process for their upcoming scholarship fund event. Students will be awarded from the Delaware County, PA, Philadelphia, PA and New Jersey surrounding areas. The main requirement to receive a scholarship is to have participated in a community service in their communities.

The Chapter’s Crisis Director Mr. Kim Brantley has been dealing with a number of employment discrimination cases against the United States Postal Service in Philadelphia, PA. Chapter President Grafton Hunley and members partnered with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority to “Adopt A Highway” in the South Jersey area. They have decided to help clean up and maintain this area so the community residents can further take pride in their surroundings. The chapter continuously conducts membership drives throughout the Delaware valley vicinity. If you are interested in joining this chapter in their efforts, please contact Mr. Hunley through our website.


Tulsa, Ok Chapter

The chapter met on September 29th at the Rudisille library, we had 150 members of the Tulsa chapter to attend and 62 non members who will be joining NAN ASAP! The topic was high levels of literacy in the Tulsa North District and the difference between our inner-city reading curriculums vs. suburban district school. The chapter brought in key speakers who were activists in the community and advocates in regards to education. Our next corporate open meeting will be held October 28th. We would like to thank Rev. Sharpton and the committee for addressing the people with the video prompt.

The chapter has new cases that have been called into our Tulsa Chapter; the shooting in Boynton, Ok (racial) two white men targeted two blacks and entered into the home killing one and thought they killed the uncle but he lived and identified the shooters. This matter stems from a political matter over the two black men’s grandmothers, who use to be the mayor, and the shooters father runs the town now and they’ve been fighting over property and misunderstandings for many years. They released the shooters on bail causing uproar in the state of Oklahoma with African American citizens.


Waukegan, IL Chapter

Chapter President Christopher Blanks has extended his efforts to work with the Kwanzaa Village Men of Action’s youth program held at Malcolm X College in Chicago, IL dealing with youth related issues. He is committed to assisting youths above and beyond the required length of the programs recommendations.