Chapter News
NAN Across America (10/27/11)
—National Field Office
The National Action Network welcomes our newest chapter located in Waterloo, Iowa. The Chapter President is Rev. Dr. Frantz T. Whitfield, and the Vice President is Pastor Lovie Caldwell. We are excited about the Waterloo chapter becoming part of the NAN family and having the leadership of Dr. Frantz T. Whitfield as we expand the work of NAN across the Mid-West.
Be on the look out for upcoming chapters in various cities across the country. Please feel free to call our national office @ (212)690-3070 or the national field office @ (646)981-5972 for information on how you can join one of the following upcoming chapters:
Buffalo, NY; Cincinnati, OH; Daytona Beach, FL; and Charlotte, NC
Atlanta, GA Chapter
The Atlanta chapter participated in the bus trip to Washington, D.C. for the Jobs & Justice rally. We received positive feedback concerning the trip. Chapter members participated in action planning for the “We are STILL Troy Davis” Grassroots Movement on October 11, 2011. A plan was not solidified. There will be another meeting next week to get the initial plans in motion. Other groups who attended were: The Free The People Movement, Campaign to End the Death, POCC/BPPC, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, UNIA, Uhuru Movement, Temple of Hip Hop, Zulu Nation, Nation of Islam, and New Black Panther Party.
The chapter membership chairperson, Janice Ivery, and her committee participated in a town hall forum regarding the Wille Lynch Curse. It was hosted by Tommy Ford (from the Martin Lawrence Show), and held at the MLK Center on October 5, 2011. Our organization was well received by participants, and Beverly Kee (Tommy Ford’s Publicist) who organized the event.
Member of the leadership Commission had a conference with Southeast Regional Green Technology Council regarding partnership. They are an organization that is dedicated to educating training, certifying and career placement in green collar jobs. Solar-Tronixx Technologies is the only African-American owned and operated solar powered, hot water heater assembly plant line in the country. It is their overall initiative to set up a franchise to present to the Atlanta chapter during the conference and it has been submitted for approval from the National Field Director. We are looking forward to working with this organization.
The Atlanta chapter has a new website, and is updating social networking sites. Its goal is to “rebrand” the chapter, and having these interactive, electronic tools makes it easier to do just that. The response for the new website has been positive, and we are continuing to update and improve it.
The chapter has been working with David Yang, a client with a discrimination suit against his former employer. (see link: David appealed his case, up to the Supreme Court level. The Supreme Court overturned his case (he won), and returned it to the original court to be re-tried. He was given the same judge (Russell Vineyard – Magistrate Judge) and Judge Vineyard dismissed the case before it was heard for a second time. We are seeking help from National. The chapter is also planning a protest at the Federal Bldg. regarding this case. The protest was tentatively scheduled for October 20, 2011.
The chapter is currently supporting a young man in Tifton, GA. who was unjustly expelled from school. The chapter received and reviewed the documents from the school board pertaining to this case. Based on the review, the chapter decided to meet with the attorney of the young man (Jalon Jackson), to lend our support in hearings and court dates. We will also host an informational press conference for Jalon to gain additional support for him in the community. We are following the lead of his Attorney Larry Ellerby, and waiting for the next hearing date to be set by the State School Board of Education.
We have started a new chapter in Tifton, GA. & Georgia State University. We are working toward working closely with them on issues in the Metro Atlanta Area. The Atlanta chapter will continue to solicit membership from people who come to us as clients with civil rights related needs. We offer membership to those we contact at various events in Atlanta.
Brooklyn, NY Chapter
The Brooklyn Chapter will host a Town Hall Meeting in reference to the American Job Act Bill
Tentatively scheduled for Nov 8, @ Bethany Baptist Church @ 5pm, the final details are forthcoming. The Brooklyn Chapter will join forces with The Brooklyn D.A office and others to implement the Safe Surrender program. The goals of the meeting are to inform the public of the bill and to support the White House and the Democratic Party, details forth are coming.
Columbus, MS Chapter
The chapter partnered with the Mississippi Hwy 45 Corridor and held a Voter Education & Voter Awareness event. There we had the Circuit Clerk to bring the voting machines out to show voters how they work. We catered to citizens ages 17 and older, in an attempt to get young people into the political process and the adults who needs to be educated on their voting rights.
Greater Baltimore Chapter
On October 20, 2011 the Chapter attended a ceremony for the new President of the Monumental Bar Association Attorney J. Wyndal Gordon. The chapter also made a presentation to the Baltimore City Public School System Parent Community Advisor Board Meeting for initiative with men and the school system and dissemination of a new booklet entitled “African American Sheroes and Heroes BORN in Baltimore City.
On October 21, 2011 the chapter attended the Maryland Health Care for all meetings to discuss a proposal for increasing soda bottle tax
On October 22, 2011 the chapter attended the Maryland Democratic State Meeting
On October 24, 2011 the chapter attended and presented a 15 Year Certification of Commendation to WOLB Talk Show Host and NAN Greater Baltimore chapter Chairman of the Board Sen. Larry Young.
Philadelphia, PA Chapter
The Philadelphia chapter and other groups represented very well at the March for Jobs & Justice and the MLK dedication ceremony on Saturday, October 15th, 2011. The chapter has established a committee to better receive, scrutinize and service our people with respect to crisis cases. The chapter is always taking calls from the crises lines for proper processing.
The chapter is partnering with a State Democratic committee person to provide food through the Philabundance program (hunger is a major problem in Philadelphia as the 1st Congressional District is reported to be the hungriest Congress District in the Country).
We will be testifying before the School Reform Commission concerning the plan to deploy the Philadelphia police department in the public school system at the next scheduled meeting. The chapter is actively pursuing the possibility of physically presenting representatives of the U.S. Justice Department at a future public forum to address the brutality of the Philadelphia police department. Lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Al Purnell, Jr. who was shot on May 9th, 2011 although he was unarmed, witnesses say he had his hands up at the command of police, and executed in the presence of two children 4 years and 10months old respectively. The Philadelphia chapter will continue our support of this family to effect justice by demanding the cop be charged with murder.
Queens, NY Chapter
The chapter had a fundraising committee conference call and Ms. Menyweather suggested that the Queens Chapter will host “An Oldies, But Goodies Night” on January 27, 2012 at Thomasina’s Catering Hall (Linden Blvd) from 7PM to 12 midnight. The cost will be $25 per person in advance and $30 at the door.
Ms. Clark volunteered to get information on a bus outing to see “Mama I Want Sing” at in Harlem and a date will be decided on at a later date. This outing would be another effort to raise funds for NAN. Additional ideas for fundraising will be discussed at the next meeting. The chapter also agreed to have NAN’s Women’s Luncheon at the Astoria Manor in the spring, exact date and time will be announced.
Mrs. Beverly Campbell & Gail Lewis have been adhering to publicity in the local press for the Chapter. Flyers have been posted and tickets have been created to publicize the meetings and activities of the Chapter, by attending community events, walk-Ins at Daycare Centers, Churches, and neighborhood canvassing. The chapter also announced on , Recruiting Membership, and having the media assistant (G. Lewis) to blog to the community newspapers and postings on Facebook for the Chapter as well as make personal calls to the chapter membership and welcome all to attend our monthly chapter meetings.
At the chapters next meeting they plan to discuss issues such as our illustrious National leader the Rev Dr. Al Sharpton on his show Politics Nation to be encouraged to hear him state “that as a civil rights activist I am concerned” with the suppression of voter rights. There will be new voting laws, making it harder for 5 million people to vote. We all still need to be vigilant and sober concerning this issue especially with a new Presidential Election just around the corner.
Akron, OH Chapter
The NAN Akron Chapter was co sponsors of the JOBS NOW, Jobs Forum. We brought members of the community (unemployed workers) together along with legislators to talk about what they wanted to see as part of the HB271 legislation and what they needed as a people.
Chapter President Bobbi Simpson, summarized HB271 and explained to the community what the bill was introduced to do. The chapter is partnering with these legislators at a grassroots level to insure that this particular segment of the community is not left behind and that we actively approach the unemployment crisis in Ohio and remain engaged with the process of changing the impact on the working poor and the middle class by holding our legislators accountable at a local and state level.
Atlanta, GA Chapter
NAN Atlanta will begin hosting a series of legal clinics on Thursday’s at our Southeast Regional Headquarters, 632 Peeples St., Atlanta, GA. The first one will be held September 8th from 6pm-8pm. The clinic is open to the public, however we will contact those who have established a case with NAN Atlanta, and ask them to attend.
NAN Atlanta will host a table at the Adamsville Recreation Center Walk-a-thon, in Honor & Memorium of our beloved member Virginia Jennings. The Keep Me Alive, Inc. is Mrs. Jennings’ son foundation. The 2nd Annual Healthy Kids Campaign Walk-a-thon will be held on September 3, 2011 from 8 am – 12 noon.
Columbus, MS Chapter
The Columbus chapter is continuously conducting a fact finding, regarding the brutal racist attack and murder of the African American man James Craig Anderson in Mississippi on June 26, 2011.
Greater Baltimore Chapter
The chapter had a meeting to discuss the plans for the Million Father’s March and M.O.B.A.A.S. (Men of Baltimore Adopt A School) where Baltimore City headed up by NAN Local President Cheatham. Chapter members attended & supported a press conference held by ACLU Maryland and Baltimore Education Coalition for improving city schools starting with Booker T. Washington. Chapter president and members attended the Candidates Debates for 9th District. The chapter went to Washington D.C. to support International Conference dealing with Political Prisoners where Baltimore has its own Marshall ‘Eddie’ Conway that has been in jail for over 40 years. The chapter president and members spearheaded the 1st day for voter registration in Baltimore before the Mayoral Primary. Partnered with NAACP, “I Vote Maryland,” the 44th Legislative District DSCC and the Baltimore City Central Committee.
New York Chapter
The NYC Chapter will participate in the “Hand in Hand–Remembering 9/11” program taking place on Saturday, September 10, 2011. This program will commemorate the 10th Anniversary of all our fallen heroes who perished 10 years ago in the World Trade Center attack on America. We continue to pray for all families and friends who lost a love one in this horrific tragedy. Please contact Theresa Freeman-Timmons at [email protected] for those members and friends who wish to participate in this most solemn occasion. You will be given information for the Check-In station (7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.) at ground zero, where the chain of hands will be connected at 8:46 a.m., the time of the first plane attack on the Twin Towers.
Men’s Auxiliary — NAN has moved to reestablished its Court Patrol monitoring program for
community involvement for justice in the legal system. Please contact Bill Griffin at (914) 497-8056 for further information. A mentoring program for young boys, between the ages of 10-18 is also being established.
HIV/AIDS Awareness — The committee co-sponsored testing for HIV and Hep-C on August 26, 2011, from 7-10 p.m. at the House of Justice.
There will be two upcoming Annual Community Health Fairs in which the committee will give its support and collaboration. On September 11, 2011–The Ephesus SDA Church, 101 W. 123rd Street, at Lenox Avenue, from 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday, September 25th, 2011–the 6th Annual Communities of Harlem Health Revival Health Walk & Fair– The Walk will start at 2:00 p.m. from 126th St. between 7th & 8th Avenues to Jackie Robinson Park for the Health Fair.
Second Chance — The Chair announces that the Cycle 8 Orientation for all new members will take place on Thursday, September 8, 2011, from 6-8 p.m. at the HOJ. Also, on Thursday, September 15, 2011, the committee will be providing workshop from 6- 8 p.m.
Sports Club — On Saturday, September 17, 2011, the Sports Committee Karate Team will be participating in the 20th Annual 2011 Twin Towers Classic at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 655 W. 34th Street, New York, NY (corner of 11th Ave.) Please contact Stan Mallory , at (646) 250-7309 for a specific start time for the team.
Savannah, GA Chapter
The chapter is working with the fire department on a discrimination issue within the department. In 1995 the city of savannah had 195 employees and 56 African Americans. To date there are 311 employees and 52 African Americans. We successfully negotiated to get he human resources Department to change the test that was administered in efforts to gain more African American firefighters. After careful research we found that 1369 people of color had applied for a job with the fire department from 2010 to present and only 1 individual was hired.
In these discussions we have found that the discrimination lies in the hands of the fire chief. We have gathered data to substantiate our claim of discrimination towards these individuals based on race gender and age.
The Savannah Chapter has also collaborated with the Democratic Party and the voter registration office here in Savannah to sponsor voter registration drives throughout the city in the months of August, September and October.
Syracuse, NY Chapter
The chapter hosted a community forum with the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) on Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 6:00 pm. The presentation covered the following topics: The Juvenile Justice System: What You Need to Know; Know your Rights: Advocating for youth involved in the Juvenile Justice System & Understanding Disproportionate Minority Contact in Onondaga County. The forum was held at The Fountain of Life Church.
On Thursday, September 1, 2011 the chapter will take a van of members to The Town of Clay Town Hall Meeting and the topic will be concerning cutting services from Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security. The Mayor will be attending and the location is: 4401 State Route 31, the corner of Morgan Rd. and Rt. 31.
On Saturday, September 3, 2011, Judge Lynn Toler will be our guest speaker for our regular meeting at The Fountain of Life Church.
Atlanta, GA Chapter
The Atlanta chapter is working in conjunction with NAN Macon to assist Pastor Ross in getting a new trial. The chapter is organizing a bus trip to lend our support to Pastor Ross and the Macon chapter at the press conference scheduled for Monday, August 8, 2011.
Chicago, IL Chapter
Chapter president Forte is proud to report the Chicago chapter can now register people to VOTE in the entire State of Illinois. At one time we could only have voter registration in Cook County. On Saturday, August 20, 2011 we are hosting a strategy meeting for, “Measuring the Movement,” at the Woodson Library, 9500 SO. Haltsted, Chicago, IL from 1 to 3pm. On the weekend of September 16th and 17th the Chicago chapter will also host, “Measuring the Movement Conference,” at Mount Pilgram Baptist Church, Rev. Marshall Hatch, Pastor. 4301 W. Washington in Chicago.
Columbus, MS Chapter
The Columbus MS chapter attended the city councilman meeting in July to support Columbus Police Chief Joseph St. John’s in his recent employment matters. Chapter president Sharon spoke on behalf of the local chapter’s appreciation of Chief St. John’s supportive actions with the National Action Networks Crime Prevention. He was terminated at this council meeting from his job as Chief. There were many supporters of all races and nationalities.
Greater Baltimore, MD Chapter
President Marvin Cheatham and the Greater Baltimore chapter are the lead organization for the Million Fathers March, which where we will be walking and welcoming children back to school on Monday, August 29, 2011. The chapter is also, the lead organization of 30 to host a Mayoral Primary Candidates Debate on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at New Shiloh Baptist Church which will include a major voter training and registration drive. The chapter is supporting local unions in speaking out against cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Las Vegas, NV
On August 3rd chapter member Sheila Collins helped organize house parties for volunteers in Las Vegas which has been established to start planning meetings about voter registration for the fall. At the house meetings the members will talk about ways to increase awareness about voter participation. The house meetings will be posted on facebook and other social media outlets. The Las Vegas chapter would also like to report that they won 20 tickets for the MLK Dedication ceremony and will give them out to the community.
The Las Vegas chapter will host a community birthday celebration for President Barack Obama’s birthday on August 4th in the community at Jimmy’s Meat Market and at Mario’s Westside Market. The chapter will continue to push membership drives and voter registration.
Brooklyn, NY Chapter
The chapter is working on an ongoing voter registration drive to begin in August.
Greater Baltimore Chapter
(1) Supported the Ministerial Rally in Support of MD Dream Act
(2) Submitted paper in support of Inclusionary Housing to City Council of Baltimore;
(3) Co-Sponsored Town Hall Meeting with WOLB 1010 on HBCU having white institutions duplicate their courses;
(4) Made Presentation to City Bureau of Recreation and Parks to have park include name of recently decease Member of House of Delegates
(5) Two rallies in support of political prisoner Marshall Eddie Conway;
(6) Supported two (2) rallies in support of City School Principal who had been removed by School System and Private Charter School
(7) Helped coordinate Press Conference & Rally for lost 7 month old child that was found;
(8) Addressed Bureau of Recreation and Parks regarding Mayor closing of Recreation Centers.
(9) Lead Organization for Million Fathers March walking and welcoming children back to school on Monday, August 29, 2011
(10) Supporting Local Unions in speaking out against Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
Milwaukee, WI Chapter
The Milwaukee Chapter held a meeting on July 23rd at The African World Festival. The main focus for Milwaukee right now is getting the buses organized for the Washington, DC trip. We also talked about redistricting in our city and will have a brain storming meeting this Thursday, July 28th.
Queens, NY Chapter
The Queens chapter will hold their next general meeting, Monday, August 22, 2011, 6 PM @ Calvary Baptist Church, 111-10 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, NY. Contact number for information 877-270-5380. If you are interested joining the chapter or boarding a bus in Queens please attend the membership meeting.
Syracuse, NY Chapter
On Sunday, July 24, 2011 Chapter President Walt Dixie was at City Hall for the first day of The Equality Marriage Act showing support for this event and representing The National Action Network. We were also glad to have Rev. Toon the National Field Director call city hall and speak to the clerk. The chapter has updated our web site Zerotolerance 4 Racism which is located on Face book. It has a good following throughout the world as far as Europe.
Mr. Walter Dixie met with Syracuse City School District Sharon Contreras and would like to invite Rev. Sharpton to come back to Syracuse and speak with about 2,000 students about the importance of staying in school & graduating, along with their parent about giving total support to their children educational needs at one of the local high schools.
The chapter still holds meetings once a week at The Fountain of Life Church, located at 700 South Avenue, Syracuse, NY. Our contact information is P.O. Box 1678 Syracuse, NY, 13201: phone # is 315-474-0922 or we can be reached at [email protected]. We do accept walk-ins at our meetings. Please call if you would like attend.
Akron, OH Chapter
The chapter is working on a case involving the juvenile detention center and misconduct of one of the guards handling a developmentally disabled boy. The guard was excessive in his restraint resulting in the breaking of 8 of the young man’s teeth. We have a report that states the boy caused the damage to his mouth by striking his head against a wall. The video tape we received contradicts the statement in the report. We are still investigating the situation and the family to make certain that this is indeed a case that we will take on. As a result we are working on legislation to introduce relating to Police accountability, the language will mirror similar bills out of Houston, Texas Borris Miles HB 1470, 1471 and 1472.
Atlanta, GA Chapter
The Atlanta Chapter joined the civil rights community, labor and immigrant advocacy organizations in a demonstration for human dignity and immigrant rights on Saturday, July 9 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on the Washington Street stairs of the Georgia State Capitol.
The rally demonstrated the community’s outrage at the inhumane, anti-immigrant law, HB 87. The peaceful demonstration will demand that lawmakers focus on finding real solutions to the problems that face Georgia and bringing the people of the state together, rather than pitting us against each other and attacking immigrant working families. Rev. Sharpton the founder and president of the National Action Network was one of the keynote speakers.
Atlantic City, NJ Chapter
Chapter President Steven Young and the South Jersey chapter are rallying every Thursday in Atlantic City, NJ with a fellowship of churches in a sign of solidarity to oppose the numerous gun-related crimes that have occurred in the resort town over the past decade. The code of silence that seems to prevail in most cases seems to be at the root of the problem. (How consistent is that?) “We want to continue to be out there to support the families of victims of gun-violence and the people have to know that they have to stop supporting the code of silence,” said President Steve Young. {The group marched from Browns Park to the corner of Baltic and South Carolina Avenues with hopes of stopping the silence once and for all. Yes, Speak Out-Stand Up and Walk Through to Save Our Community}. Being Silent is Worst than the Act.
Chapter President Steve Young and members are still pursuing justice in the Moshawn Leach case in Pensgrove, NJ and supporting Walter Hudson who has been harassed by police officers because he spoke out against the killing of the unarmed black male.
President Young has begun coordinating a town hall meeting to discuss the takeover of Atlantic City by the State of New Jersey to include Governor Chris Christie.
Baltimore, MD Chapter
Chairperson Larry Young and the newly elected Chapter President Marvin Cheatham and members are currently working to have their Governor restore $15 million cuts in education for the Baltimore City area. They are also working to secure minority contractors for a local African American Family Fun Center.
The chapter is also addressing a number of police shooting cases in their area, some have received nationwide coverage. Mr. Young will be conducting a course on citizenship participation in his community and members will also be working on getting more African American elected officials in their community.
The chapter is working to help quell racial tensions between Blacks and Jews in the Park Heights section of Maryland. The tensions are related to the recent beating of a black teenager by a person of Jewish descent. They will also be working in conjunction with a local radio station for their “10th Annual Caring for Kids Campaign” to help 500 kids in need. The chapter is actively pursuing their membership drives and has scheduled a June deadline to rapidly increase their membership.
Boston, MA Chapter
The chapter is moving forward with membership, crisis resolution as well as preparing to attend the rally and march in Washington, DC on August 27. The chapter has partnered with Ms. Ruby Howard, who is a NAN member and community activist. Ms Howard and the chapter president are having weekly bible study with local youth in hope of quelling youth violence. Youth participation has been phenomenal. The youth from our weekly bible study will be joining NAN at the rally and march.
Chicago, IL Chapter
The Chicago chapter met with Charles Dockery of the Memorial Park District of Calumet city about the use of the children’s park. We are dealing with retaliation because Courtland Wilson ran for Park Commissioner. At the meeting we did come to a conclusion that the students would not be arrested for using the park, they have not as of yet been given permission to utilize the park for serious practice and for games. The children are ages 6 to 14 and there are 11 parks in Calumet City, Illinois.
The chapter is supporting a petition appealing to the Governor to sign the bill that repeals the death penalty. They feel due to many errors that have occurred within the prison system and tax payer dollars are being wasted as a result of it.
Chapter President Maureen Forte and members will be networking closely with WGN-TV to provide employment data and related job postings to the community to assist in their efforts with people who are unemployed. They have launched a new magazine called the, “Challenge News,” which covers a variety of youth issues, education and trainings. They are working with the Probation Challenge Program to reach the minds and hearts of young men and women who are filtering through the criminal justice system.
Members who have vowed to continuously register people to vote, still do weekly at the Regal Theatre during scheduled concert performances. Ms. Forte and members are also collaborating efforts with members of the clergy and others to develop community patrols to assist them in decreasing some of the violence in their immediate surroundings. Chapter President Forte said, “Members and other concerned community residents are currently coordinating their own anti-violence forums to deal with the alarming rate of people being killed daily, particularly on the South Side of Chicago, IL.”
Cleveland, OH Chapter
Chapter President Marcia McCoy and Rev. Dr. E. T. Caviness, Board Chair have been working on educational issues that include “Closing the Achievement Gap.”
Recidivism: Many of the 9th grade male students we service are populated with fathers in prison/getting out of prison: We are simply trying to drop the “What You See is what you’ll Be” syndrome. It is a known fact that 72-78% of households are spearheaded by females. (The Re-Entry component is hosted by our program chair of the Community Covenant Oversight Team).
Job Creation: We worked with Dave’s supermarkets and other area places to employ our youth, young adults and the least, the lost and the left out. Dave’s supermarkets received a Civil Rights Award from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and The Community Covenant Oversight Team for opening up its stores in urban districts, hiring many of our participants and paying living wages.
Harlem, NY Chapter
The New York chapter along with our HIV/Health and Wellness had a Town Hall meeting and Aids Awareness forum at Mother AME Zion Church, located 137th Street between 7th Avenue (ACPJ Blvd) and Lenox Avenue (Malcolm X Blvd) from 1pm to 3pm on June 25th, 2011.
The New York chapter also partnered with Brain Benjamin, Young Professional, our HIV/Health and Wellness, Harlem United and other HIV AIDS awareness groups for HIV(AIDS) Testing at the ACPJ Harlem State Office Building located 163 West 125th on June 27th, 2011 from 10:30am to 4pm.
The Cabinet is still doing the Annual Picnic July 30th and is gearing up for the annual bus ride to Washington, DC. The Education Committee would like to thank everyone who came out to the Educational forum. The Meeting was very informative discussing what is happening with our children’s educational process and what is happening with the teachers that speak out against the school system when unjustly things are being done. The follow up will be a forum on the “RUBBER ROOM” process. At this forum, former teachers will speak out about the unjust process. We also would like to thank all of you who participated in the Education Rally (the walk from City Hall to Wall Street).
The Women Auxiliary is having their first annual Bus ride to Atlantic City in honor of Mr. Faison who was our membership chair.
Bill Griffin the men’s auxiliary head and his committee members are doing a mentoring program for kids from 6th to the 9th grade called the “Big Brother Concept.” Their first meeting was April 16th at the New York City headquarters.
The Disability Committee headed by Pam Bates is discussing having a forum on Medicaid & Medicare. The guardians committee continues to meet and recruit new members. Stan Mallory’s Sport Club has won several Karate tournaments and continues to seek new members.
Ezekiel Adepoju headed up the Young Entrepreneurs Group, is working on a forum concerning how to start a business. If you are interested in participating please contact Ezekiel Adepoju at 877-626-4651. Chris Dudley the division chair of the sign language committee continues to meet and hold their cases each week. Arnold Pinnix’s, drama club presented “Obama-Nation” in May.
Lady Peachena will host an educational forum and has reached out to Chancellor Walcot to be the keynote speaker.
The president of the New York Chapter will is working on the New York Chapters annual picnic and the march to the “Martin Luther King Memorial” in Washington, D.C. scheduled for Saturday, August 27, 2011, 12:00pm.
New York City has been selected as one of five cities to host a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the AIDs pandemic as part of the National HIV Testing Day.
Horry County, SC Chapter
The chapter has been supporting the parents of a 16 year old high school student allegedly shot to death by a resource officer who accused him of assault. This resource officer has had numerous complaints by parents. The area superintendent has been alerted of the allegations. The chapter is awaiting a response.
The chapter has been challenging their school board regarding the disparity in the number of African American teachers versus white, large percentage of African American students in alternative school, disciplinary treatment toward African American students from elementary to high school, suspension and alternative school to the juvenile system.
The chapter has demanded an investigation into alleged numerous violations against the Conway Housing Authority regarding alleged illegal evictions. They are also in the process of scheduling a meeting with black contractors to make sure they receive a fair share of the various public projects taking place in the area. The chapter is organizing a packet to send to the Department of Justice regarding alleged corrupt Magistrate Judges.
Jersey City, NJ Chapter
President Oliver-Fair has been handling a wide variety of cases in her surrounding areas. She has been addressing cases regarding education as it relates to bullying and discrimination, prisoner’s abuse and police shootings in the Jersey City and Essex County areas.
Members have been participating in Newark’s anti-violence efforts and town hall meetings in collaboration with other community organizations around the issue of gun violence in particular. Members have also taught and assisted students at the Rev. Dr. Herbert Daughtry Learning Center in Jersey City, NJ.
President Fair is always increasing the chapter’s membership with new enrollees. If you are interested in joining this chapter please contact the president through our website.
Memphis, TN Chapter
The Chapter is organizing a voter registration drive.
Morehouse Parish, LA Chapter
The Morehouse Parish chapter and president Linda Mays-Logan participated in the Protesters Eunice, Louisiana march against Police Brutality on July 4, 2011 with other NAN chapters and organizations across Louisiana. Presently, the chapter is working on a case where a 14 year old black male drowned in Jackson Parish at a pond in the deep end of the woods with four other Caucasian boys.
Philadelphia, PA Chapter
The Philadelphia Chapter of the National Action Network is still receiving a lot of press in conjunction with their protest in the police shooting of Albert Purnell. They are truly raising the Bar on this issue. The Police have declared war on young black males/females and Philly NAN is in the thick of it — determined to be successful in stopping these atrocities. Reverend Sharpton is extremely concerned about what is happening around this issue and our Executive Director Tamika Mallory came to Philly on the 15th of June to support the March and Rally for Justice at the office to D.A. Seth Williams.
The Philadelphia chapter has been collaborating with various groups including the NAACP to facilitate a PA legislative initiative originated by “The Lifers Inc.” group situated in the PA Prison system. This initiative attempts to address a PA law which currently disallows any new evidence that proves a prisoner’s innocence if it wasn’t presented in a time sensitive manner. Meetings are usually held on a monthly basis, but they are currently being held weekly to facilitate and organize the training sessions for the various participants scheduled for June 4th, 2011.
The chapter is currently addressing a police shooting of an unarmed 19 year old black male who was shot at least 4 to 6 times in light of eyewitnesses who stated the man was unarmed. In addition, this police shooting took place in front of children as young as four years old. There is expanded electronic media coverage forth coming as NAN has alerted the press that the initial reports as shared by police was deliberately altered by police which omitted the shooting of the man in the home of a family whose children were in the room.
The chapter participated in a one year demonstration highlighting the failure of the current District Attorney Seth Williams to prosecute or explain his reason for failing to address a public open letter addressed to his attention by several noted and highly regarded African-American Attorneys. This was regarding a white Philadelphia police sergeant who shot himself one year ago to the date and then claimed a black man did it. This police official was offered immunity from prosecution in exchange for his admittance that he shot himself on the condition that he resigns from the police force. Please note: Philly NAN has been very instrumental in raising this very disturbing issue publicly!
The chapter is in the early stages of working on a youth job initiative, hopefully in conjunction with a major sports team to employ at least a thousand youth this summer in an attempt to stop the violence in the city.
Chapter President Greg Brinkley and members are facilitating meetings between youths from two communities that have had ongoing disputes that ultimately resulted in the death of a youth. They’re making progress in their stop the violence efforts. They have had a recent victory assisting the family of an elderly woman and some difficulties that she had at a nursing home, they helped her and she is now able to remain in her home. They have also provided financial donations towards some repairs on her home.
The Chapter is currently addressing a matter involving Black police officers in the borough of Colwyn, PA, regarding an African American female tenant council president being discriminated against. She has not received assistance from neighboring police departments who are mostly Caucasian and feels that this has placed the community’s safety in jeopardy despite the mutual aid agreement that is in place.
Chapter President Greg Brinkley, chapter members, parents, students and community leaders had an emergency meeting with the Deputy Mayor on Thursday, February 17th in response to the recent killing of 18-yr old Rashawn Anderson. Rashawn was the local star basketball player at Roxborough High School in Philadelphia, PA who was in an ongoing feud with another youth who attended the same school but lived in another neighborhood. They will meet with the community to try and prevent any further violence.
Chapter President Greg Brinkley and members are collaborating with “The Children First of America” organization to assist in highlighting the concerns of father’s rights in relevance to child support because there is a seemingly unfair advantage being granted to mothers versus responsible fathers when there is a separation in the relationship. The chapter’s overall concern is for the well being of the children.
Chapter President Greg Brinkley and members were part of a major fight in a police arbitration case and decisions not being made public. Recently, a year and a half court battle by Philadelphia’s Daily News and the city was won to obtain police grievance arbitration decisions. The city solicitor will reveal 47 of the first wave of 200 decisions. The cases involved an assortment of allegations of wrongdoing by police officers, everything from theft and assault, interacting with drug dealers and drunk driving.
President Brinkley is also coordinating efforts with Rev. Joe Williams a Philadelphian resident and well known activist regarding five (5) recent lynching’s of black males in the Mississippi area. These individual deaths were ruled to be suicides, but foul play is suspected by family and community residents.
Chapter President Greg Brinkley recently testified at a City Council hearing on police abuse and misconduct involving the Philadelphia police department. This chapter was the main advocacy group that was calling for these hearings to address the brutality of victims in Black and Hispanic communities. They have also met with the Colwyn Borough Council to address their democratic members and the issues that they are facing being largely surrounded by a republican controlled committee, concerning voter intimidation, racial slurs and a variety of comments being directed at the female African American Borough President. Additional strategy meetings will be held on these matters as well as membership recruiting drives in this borough. The chapter is currently coordinating a number of community forums and fund raising events.
The chapter is also beginning a voter registration drive as the election season approaches and is still conducting its membership drives to build the chapter‘s base. If you would like to join them in their activism please contact the chapter through our website.
Portland, OR Chapter
The chapter has networked with licensed social worker, Ms. Margaret Jones and has attended a series of classes at National Institute on Mental Illness (NAMI). The purpose is to serve as staff support to each other and to accompany each other when going to churches and other organizations.
Slidell, LA Chapter
The chapter is investigating the closing of the Rayburn WCI Correctional. The question as to where the inmates will be placed has not been disclosed.
The chapter is organizing a NAN membership and voter registration drive. A team of attorneys
will be on hand to educate voters on legal and civil rights. More details forth coming.
George Fisher, Chapter President of the Eunice, Louisiana chapter and other area attorneys will join the Slidell chapter in the month of July to educate the community on civil and criminal matters. The Slidell chapter has organized a dream team of attorneys committed to working with our clients in the St. Tammany Parish regarding cases of alleged civil rights violations and criminal injustices.
Shreveport, LA Chapter
The Chapter has petitioned the court to remove the Confederate Flag and Monument located in front of the Caddo Parish Courthouse, in Shreveport, Louisiana. They argue that the flag symbolizes glorified racism and prejudice.
The flag has flown in front of the courthouse since 1951. It was raised on private property during a protest of a Civil Rights movement and flies beside a Confederate monument. The monument was put in place in 1903 to honor Caddo Parish as the final stance of the Louisiana confederacy.
The Chapter is fighting the redistricting of Caddo Parish.
Due to the budgetary crisis in Shreveport, a number of predominately black schools in Caddo Parish have closed. Chapter President, Artis Cash, has met with Superintendent Gerald Dawkins to discuss revisiting the unfavorable decision.
South Jersey Chapter
The chapter participated in a press conference on Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 at 12 noon concerning the upcoming anti-violence rally to be held in Atlantic City. The chapter participated in the Anti-Violence Walk Thru to save our community rally on Thursday, July 14th, 2011 at 6:00 pm. The walk began at “Brown Park,” Bacharach Blvd. between Kentucky Avenue and Dr. M.L. King Blvd. in Atlantic City, NJ. The chapter requested positive role models, civic leaders, elected officials, religious leaders, ministers, pastors, teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, police, fire, business leaders, mothers, fathers and the working poor to come out and walk with us.
Tri-State (NJ/DE/PA) Burlington, Camden & Gloucester, NJ Chapter
Chapter President Grafton Hunley and members are currently coordinating efforts in the student selection process for their upcoming scholarship fund event. Students will be awarded from the Delaware County, PA, Philadelphia, PA and New Jersey surrounding areas. The main requirement to receive a scholarship is to have participated in a community service in their communities.
The Chapter’s Crisis Director Mr. Kim Brantley has been dealing with a number of employment discrimination cases against the United States Postal Service in Philadelphia, PA. Chapter President Grafton Hunley and members partnered with the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority to “Adopt A Highway” in the South Jersey area. They have decided to help clean up and maintain this area so the community residents can further take pride in their surroundings. The chapter continuously conducts membership drives throughout the Delaware valley vicinity. If you are interested in joining this chapter in their efforts, please contact Mr. Hunley through our website.
Waukegan, IL Chapter
Chapter President Christopher Blanks has extended his efforts to work with the Kwanzaa Village Men of Action’s youth program held at Malcolm X College in Chicago, IL dealing with youth related issues. He is committed to assisting youths above and beyond the required length of the programs recommendations.