Chapter News
Bi-Weekly Field Report for week of November 12
October was a very busy month for the Greater Baltimore chapter. They actively participated in voter registration, voter rights and get out to vote campaigns! Their events and dates were as follows:
October 1st– Meeting with chairman of the board Baltimore chapter
Discussion of progress for this chapter, Votefest and NAN Rallies
October 3rd– WOLB 1010AM
Senator Larry Young had various guests on the show to discuss politics, equality and community efforts to get people registered to vote. He allowed Minister Evans an hour of Q &A with listeners and callers to address concerns and ideas of how to effectively achieve this mission of getting people registered to vote.
October 6th– Walk-A-Thon
Senator Larry Young and many other community leaders got together to do and annual walk for a purpose event which was very inspiring to have such leaders, elders committed to their purpose.
October 8th– Votefest Meeting
Votefest was an event created by Senator Larry Young to encourage the people to get out and vote!
October 9th– Installation Ceremony
Installation ceremony of our new chapter president, Minister Dr. Paris J. Evans. The first female to ever hold this chapters presidency position which received much attention for her ambition, fire and determination for the success of this chapters growth. There was a turn out of approximately 100 people!

October 10th – WOLB 1010AM
Senator Young decided to give the chapter president a spot on his radio show every Wednesday, so that the community can hear her passion and her mission as she pushes forward in her goal.
October 16th– Voter Registration Rally
From 8am – 8pm NAN GBC along with Radio One, and other civil rights leaders dedicated time and effort to register over 10,000 new registrants to vote in 2012. The chapter had volunteers posted in all metro locations from Reisterstown, MD to Downtown Baltimore registering people to vote. The chapter president and chairman spent the day at the Mondawmin mall location from 8-8 registering new voters. They said it was a great success!!!
October 19th NAACP Gala
Chairman, Senator Larry Young and chapter president Minister Dr. Paris J. Evans attended the NACCP Freedom Fund Gala with Cathy Hughes
October 24rd– Senatorial Debate
October 25th– Get out to Vote Rally at New Shiloh Baptist Church
All senatorial candidates turned out along with hundreds of participants to rock the vote!!! (will send pics)
November 3rd– VOTEFEST 2012
Senator Young hosted VOTEFEST 2012 at Coppin State University with NAN GBC President as a special guest speaker
November 7th– Appreciation Breakfast with city leaders
NAN GBC The president was asked to be the keynote speaker at the event
November 8th– BOA appoints NAN GBC President as apart of the board committee
Boy Scouts of America regional director Joe Spellman asked for the acceptance of NAN GBC President to accept a board committee position.
November 13th– Whitney M. Young Gala
NAN GBC President asked to be a guest speaker at event at the Whitney Young Award at the Radisson Cross Keys.
November 13th– NAN GBC Community Meeting
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In preparation for and during the National Election Day, the Atlanta chapter participated in various voter initiative rallies and Election Day mobilization efforts. Approximately five NAN members volunteered at The Coalition for the People’s Agenda to assist with their phone bank.
The chapters 5th Anniversary/Honoring Living Legends Gala is November 17th. Dr. Rev. Al Sharpton will keynote the event. The chapter will be honoring Amelia Platts, Boynton Robinson, Dr. Rev. Joseph Lowery, Rev. C.T. Vivian, Mr. Joseph Beasley, and Dr. Rev. Gerald L. Durley. Mary Pat Hector will be presenting two outstanding “Youth Move” members with certificates for their achievements and efforts. The event will be MC’d by local radio host Lorraine Jacques-White.
The chapter is collecting clothes and other hygiene daily use items for our servicing the homeless drive. The chapter has begun collecting toys for their annual toy drive which will be held on December 21st 2012 (1pm-4pm).
The chapter plans to use their upcoming Gala as an opportunity to grow their membership and they expect a large turnout of non-members.
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The Detroit Chapter members are on stand-by to go into Washington, DC to do legislative advocacy around the “tax increases” fiscal cliff before congress goes on break.
• Participate every Saturday Morning at Action Rally.
• Plan to serve Thanksgiving Day Dinner, from 11am-1pm November, 22nd, 2012 @ King Solomon.
• The chapter is collecting clothes for Hurricane Sandy Victims “HOOD 2 HOOD” outreach. Making a special delivery to NAN Headquarters.
NAN Detroit is organizing buses to attend the presidential inauguration and expect to take 2 – 3 buses. The departure date is Saturday, January 19 – 22, 2013
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The Columbus Mississippi Chapter has been hard at work to “Get It Done” because they feel the 2012 Presidential Election is so crucial and they have been busy!
The chapter has gathered together to watch the debates. They have gone door-to-door encouraging people to get out and vote. They have had members go to Florida. They have focused on the first-time voters and that has been a great success. The chapter has partnered with some of the Unions and this has been very motivating. The chapter has done phone banking and GOTV. The chapter has three new members.
The chapters Education Dept. is waiting to hear from the Supreme Court Judge on the case of the County School District and its Unitary Status. The U.S. Justice Dept., U.S. Dept of Education representatives are in touch. The chapters Education Dept. is investigating the City Schools and County Schools on its behavior towards students with disabilities. The chapters Criminal Justice Dept. has received many complaints about the Court Systems. The chapter had been focusing most of their attention heavily on the 2012 Campaign.
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Members from the Bronx Chapter will be at Friday’s court hearing (11-16-12) for 4 years of Morgan Lloyd who was shot and killed in the Bronx.
The Bronx Chapter’s monthly meeting takes place Thursday, Nov. 15th @7pm at the Richard R Green Middle School 3710 Barnes Ave Bronx, NY (bet 216th& 217th St)
The Chapter is looking to mobilize the youth around social justice through film and will be working with the Youth Move.
Other than that, we are working on putting a Town Hall Meeting together and I’ll keep you posted as it develops.
The Queens chapter is pleased to report over the last month they worked diligently on the following “Game Changing” events for Queens.
- QCNAN has been actively accepting donations and distributing them to the Far rockaway area to needy families. We are currently collecting toiletries, flashlights, batteries, can and packaged foods, water, blankets and coats.
- We have launched a “Coats for Kids” drive before Hurricane Sandy and have incorporated this effort with our giving to the victims of Storm Sandy.
- Dec 8th – QCNAN will be hosting a fish-fry fundraiser (beginning at 11am) and Town Hall Meeting with our local elected officials (beginning at 3pm) in conjunction with UniComm for the follow up “UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY” experience.
- January 25th, 2013 – we will be hosting our 2nd annual “Oldies but Goodies” dinner and dance affair at Thomasina’s Catering Hall, Hollis, New York.
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The NYC chapter’s Women Auxiliary sponsored their Annual Harvest Tea Fundraiser at the House of Justice and it was very successful; there was standing room only. There was an opportunity to meet and great, and encourage participants to become NAN members on Saturday, November 10, 2012.
On Thursday, October 25, 2012,”Legal Night was held at the House of Justice. Local attorneys discussed a variety of legal topics which covered:” Know Your Legal Rights.” There was an opportunity, at the end of the session, for people to ask questions. There is a high level of interest in the community for legal information; usually, there is standing room only.
The Women’s Empowerment Forum was October 26, 2012 and was sponsored by the Second Chance Committee.
Here are some of the topics that were discussed:
Challenges of re-entering the community
How to stop procrastination and take action
Preparing for success
Utilizing resources
Preparing for re-entry
Entrepreneurship and more
Medicare Informational Workshop Sponsored by the Health and Wellness Committee, Saturday, October 20, 2012.
Health Screenings: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Eye Exams and Diabetes
Medicare Information Sessions: The benefits of Medicare programs and how to apply; Medicare Appeals process; Medicare programs for people with limited income and resources.
Upcoming Events and Activities
*House of Justice Deaf Club-Children’s Fashion Show, Friday, November 16, 2012
*Thanksgiving Dinner, House of Justice Auditorium, hosted by Mannas Restaurant/NAN NYC Cabinet, free of charge, Thursday, November 22, 2012
*Gender Misconduct: A Civil Rights Colloquium Series dealing with Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title Vii as it relates to students, employees, seniors, and minors. This Civil Rights Colloquium Series is sponsored, by NAN Political Action Committee, NAN Court Patrol and the Columbia University/Barnard V-day Board. The date for the first series will be held at the House of Justice on Wednesday, December 5, 2012.
In celebration of Kwanzaa, the NAN Disability/Political Action Committee will sponsor a Kwanzaa Gathering, at the House of Justice, on Saturday, December 29, 2012 at 1:00P.M.
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Action Activities
a) Philadelphia, PA – Participated in Public Hearing sponsoed by Philadlephia City Council on proposal for additonal Youth Court in an effort to curve incarceration of non-violent youths;
b) Philadelphia, PA – Julius Lewis visited the PA NAN office seeking assistance based on his civil rights alledgely being violated by the military. He received an honorable discharge, however, was having difficulty getting employment. He was refrred to a Nan contact in the local Veteran Adminsnitation, as he appears to have mental challenges;
c) Dauphin County, PA – Jewel Warner, who is orginally from New York involved in a case which ended in a hung jury, but the District Attorney decided to re-try case. Mr. Warner’s mother is in contact with Patricia Burger in Harlen New York, she was referred to national office;
d) Philadelphia, PA – Derrick Mathis case, PA NAN is awaiting receipt of letter from federal bankruptcy court to advanced the claims from Mr. Mathis of his property being stolen by city;
e) Philadelphia, PA – Attended a meeting involving the planning for the 150th Emancipatin Proclamation Anniversary on Sunday, Janaury 20, 2013, the event will take place at Triump Baptist Church in Philadelphia. The event is sponosed by the Progressive National Baptist Convention, USA. They are seeking to have Reverend Sharpton keynote this historic event.
f) Philadelphia, PA – Voter Engagement Rally with guest speaker, Reverend Al Sharpton at broght Hope Baptist Church on October 18th and Harrisburg, PA, all day Voter Engagement Rally/Town Hall meeting and Workshops on October 19, 2012.
g) Philadelphia, PA – An Emergency Press Conference was onvened by the City Election Commisiioner, Stephanie Singer regarding the lack of compliance with State regarding Voter ID law and the “show id” posters and billiboards. Deacon Smith spoke on behalf of PA NAN.
“In The Action” Activities:
Conference:”Black On Black Violence”- National Conference was convened in Philadle[phia with anti-violence groups from around the country from Chicago, Ohio, Los Angeles, Richmond, VA, Newark, NJ, Wilmington, DE and Philadelphia. The conference was convened by Bilal Quayum, President of Father’s Day Committeee. Deacon Smith represented NAN at the weekend working sessions.
Meeting on City Council Public hearing regarding Non Profit designations by City agencies, only. The hearing was held on Monday, October 29, 2012;
GOTV Activities –November 4-6, 2012
PA NAN in colloboration with other local organizaitions will be distributing literature, knocking on doors and monitoring and recording the voting turn out;
Monthly Membership Meeting-Novembe r 13, 2012
Members meeting will be held along with the Annual Pre-thanksgiiving Fellowship feast where members will enjoy a meal and fellowship.