

Jan 03, 2023

As 2023 begins, we at NAN want to highlight some of the major issues and events that National Action Network tackled in 2022. The list is not meant to be an exhaustive, but provides some highlights on the ongoing fight for civil rights that NAN has engaged in over the past year.

For 31 years, National Action Network has championed the cause of social justice by promoting a modern civil rights agenda for all. With over 100 chapters across the country, it is a national movement for equality rooted in the spirit and tradition of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, JR.

Whether it’s holding leaders accountable, feeding those in need, fighting on behalf of victims of police brutality or inspiring the next generation of civil rights advocates, National Action Network is ready for the next 31 years, and BEYOND!

In 2023, NAN will continue its fight to ensure that the civil rights of all Americans are protected. You can join us by becoming a member of NAN. To join us, get into the action, or to donate to National Action Network, call 877-626-4651 or visit

Happy New Year!


Video: @supremecreativeagency @liveyungjt