MLK Day Unity March and Vigil
—(New York, NY) — Join National Action Network Youth Huddle, Peace Week NYC, faith leaders, community activists, and survivors of violence to call for unity and non-violence in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after NAN’s annual MLK Day Public Policy Forum. Let’s set the tone locally and nationally as we continue to fight for justice in a new era.
The walk will begin at the Martin Luther King Jr. Bronze Sculpture on 147th St. and Lenox Ave. in central Harlem at 5 pm. We will walk down Lenox Ave. to the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ, the last site in NYC in which Dr. King made a public appearance.
January 18, 2021
Wreath Laying
Martin Luther King Jr. Bronze Sculpture
147th St. & Lenox Ave. (in front of Esplanade Gardens)
Peace & Unity Walk
147th & Lenox Ave to 116th & Lenox Ave.
Vigil & MLK Historic Reflections
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
132 West 116th St.
For more information, please call 1-877-626-4651.